Tickets on-sale NOW! See one of the most popular Disney movies of all-time, coming to our Lunalilo Hale stage this November 17-19.
See a change to our COVID reporting protocols and a precaution we are taking returning from Fall Break.
See the school store schedule for September through December, run by our Parent Teacher ʻOhana.
Celebrating our 2022-2023 KS spiritual theme - “E Mahi a e Mālama i Ko Ke Akua | Cultivate and Care for God’s Creation”.
KS has adopted the new COVID-19 protocols for schools released by the Hawaiʻi Department of Health this week. Updated 8/23.
COVID-19 protocols will continue to shift towards personal kuleana, with individuals empowered to take action to keep each other healthy and safe based on conditions.
The Hilo pop-up store is open in Prince Kūhio Plaza Monday-Saturday till 6 p.m.
Our fifth grade haumāna transition from kula haʻahaʻa to kula waena and papa 4 transition to the new papa ʻalakaʻi for elementary school.
Our papa ʻelima artists worked this third trimester to create and curate a spring digital art show.
Our kula will gather to celebrate the year and the annual spiritual theme - “Ua ola loko i ke aloha—Love gives life within”.
Kula Haʻahaʻa presents “Hoʻomau”, the 2022 Lā Mei celebration.
Re-registration for next school year for students in grades K-11 will take place via Infinite Campus this year as we look to transition to an easier more robust tool for managing student information.
Next school year will start on August 3 and end on May 24. Download the calendar now to see other important dates.
Effective Mar. 8, individual case contact tracing and quarantines will not be required for school-related potential exposures.
Effective Mar. 7, outdoor masking will be optional and daily wellness checks no longer required with adjustments to testing requirements on Mar. 28.
The Hawaiʻi-based science and culture show made a special huakaʻi to Kumuola to learn more about the Waiāhole and Kapalaho Loko Iʻa and learn about the ongoing research, education and rehabilitation efforts our team is leading there.
All KS-sponsored surveillance testing will be rapid antigen conducted through Premier Medical Group, unless there is a valid medical exemption.
Additional testing station is added for elementary and middle school students participating in weekly surveillance testing as our kula switches to rapid antigen testing as the KS-sponsored testing method.
Modifications we are making moving forward as we adapt to this latest variant and the disruption it has caused over this first month.
The Hawaiʻi Department of Health has revised its quarantine guidance for schools, which Kamehameha Schools will follow immediately.
SaferMe is a valuable tool in adding precision and accuracy to our contact tracing process.
Get the links on how to watch this year’s celebration as we continue to adapt to our conditions, but take this moment to honor our beloved princess.
Improving conditions and forecast, along with the work of our hoa kumu to make repairs to damaged temporary structures allows our kula to re-open tomorrow, Dec. 7.
In an abundance of caution, our kula will close for on-campus learning and activities on Monday, December 6 due to anticipated weather event.
Sharing a handful of on-campus vaccination opportunities for haumāna ages 5-11, both on-campus and in our community.
As we continue our efforts to maintain in-person learning, we remain diligent in keeping the health and safety of our haumāna at the forefront.
Financial aid applications for the 2022-2023 school year are now being accepted. The early notification deadline is February 28, 2022.
Flik Independent School Dining will take over management of our campus food service program, effective January 2022.
See some of the changes Kamehameha Schools is making to create a safer and more supportive environment in dealing with the challenges of the pandemic.
Due to the weight restriction for Kolekole bridge to vehicles under 4 tons, bus service for Hāmakua and Waimea routes will be adjusted.