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E komo mai i loko.

New updates to our COVID procedures effective as of August 17, 2022.

New options for return to school, new guidance for quarantines

Aug. 23, 2022

It has been truly wonderful to hear the chatter and laughter of our haumāna as we begin another school year. We look forward to creating lasting experiences and memories with your keiki.

Earlier this week, the Hawaiʻi State Department of Health (DOH) updated their guidance for K-12 schools, reflecting the updated guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Accordingly, Kamehameha Schools Mālama Ola Health Services Department has made adjustments to return-to-school procedures, including allowing students to utilize home test kits for absences of 1-3 days due to COVID-19 related symptoms and there is no need to report close contacts, only positive case.

These adjustments continue to reflect the shift in COVID-19 management to one of personal kuleana, and how it is incumbent on each and every one of us to continue to do the right things to keep each other safe, including staying home when ill, staying up-to-date on vaccinations, and testing if symptomatic.


A new option for students needing clearance to return to school following symptoms and an absence of 1-3 days.

  • Students who are out ill must be fever free for 24 hours without medication and symptoms improving plus have at least ONE of the following:
  • Documentation should be uploaded to the student's electronic health record. An instruction sheet is available for ʻohana who need assistance. The full return to school following symptoms is available on our Health Updates website.
  • For absences of four or more days, a note from the student's primary care provider continues to be required and can be uploaded to the student's electronic health record for clearance.


Changes were made to limit the five day quarantine and isolation procedure to those who test positive.

  • Regardless of vaccination status, a five day quarantine is no longer recommended for close contacts who may have been exposed to a positive case, but remain asymptomatic.
  • Anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 is still required to isolate for a 5-day period in accordance with DOH guidelines. This includes remaining out of high-risk extracurricular activities, where masking is not feasible or appropriate, for a period of 10 days.
  • Please continue using the COVID-19 Reporting Form to report positive cases only. Close contact no longer need to be reported.


Those visiting a health room and our high school student athletes should also be aware of the following measures.

  • Masks should be utilized when students visit the health room, as an additional safety measure recommended by the CDC. If students do not have their own mask, a mask will be provided.
  • In alignment with DOE procedures, BIIF league rules do encourage all athletes to be vaccinated if competing in league play. Athletes who choose not to be vaccinated should test twice a week through a CLIA-lab or using an FDA-approved home test kit. KS may have kits available and student-athletes may pick up take home test kits from the health room, athletic trainers, or the Athletic Department. Or students can utilize their own test kits from a third-party vendor (federal test kits, insurance providers, etc.). [updated 8/23: vaccination and testing no longer required for student athletes]

Kamehameha Schools remains committed to safe, in-person instruction and doing what will best ensure that our kauhale remains healthy. Our kula is prepared to adapt our safety measures should conditions change. The health and safety and well-being of our students, families, and staff remain our highest priorities. Please continue to remain vigilant and monitor your personal kuleana to keep yourself and the rest of our kauhale healthy and safe.

ks hawaii,covid-19

Kaipuolono Article, Hawaii Newsroom, KS Hawaii Home, Hawaii Elementary School, Hawaii Middle School, Hawaii High School, Newsroom, Hawaii, Hawaii campus

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