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E komo mai i loko.

A new student information system - Infinite Campus - is coming for ʻohana, ultimately replacing KS Connect next school year. Re-registration will start April 19.

Coming Soon: Parent Portal and Online Registration via Infinite Campus

April 4, 2022

Aloha nui e Nā ‘Ohana o Kamehameha Hawai‘i ē,

As mentioned in the calendar announcement for next school year, Kamehameha Schools will be moving to a new tool, Infinite Campus, for the re-enrollment process (collection of student and contact information, signing of forms, etc.) for the 2022-2023 school year. We are excited and hope the enhanced features make re-enrollment more efficient and easier for families to complete.

On or around April 19th, you will receive an email from Kamehameha Schools regarding your Infinite Campus Parent Portal and instructions to complete the Online Registration (OLR) enrollment process. This email will have the subject line:

“Kamehameha Schools Returning Student Enrollment”

We recommend that you add the email your address book to help ensure delivery of messages.

This email will include links for instructions to complete the Online Registration (OLR) as well as Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the process. We encourage you to read the documents prior to starting the Online Registration process.

For the remainder of this school year, you will continue to use KS Connect to check your child’s grades, contact teachers, for registration and other school communication. At the close of the 2021-2022 school year, we will move completely to Infinite Campus.

ks hawaii,registration

Kaipuolono Article, Hawaii Newsroom, KS Hawaii Home, Hawaii Elementary School, Hawaii Middle School, Hawaii High School, Newsroom, Campus Programs, Hawaii, Hawaii campus

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