Three recent graduates reflect on how the educational and financial support they received has empowered them to pursue higher education and careers dedicated to giving back to their communities.
Adrianna Arquette KSK’24 and Maela Honma KSH’24 were recognized for their athletic excellence by the Hawaiʻi High School Athletics Association.
Chelsea Keehne, with Kamehameha Schools’ Kealaiwikuamoʻo Division wants to challenge educators, parents, and the community to rethink how students could be assessed with an emphasis on the types of learning that will stay with haumāna for a lifetime, instead of just long enough to take a test.
For KS Hawaiʻi high school seniors Amy Gushiken and Kalena Launiu, the unique travel opportunity to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands has transformed their lives and perspectives in profound ways.
Dozens of haumāna from all three campuses recently took part in an athletics leadership summit. The gathering served as an opportunity to build pilina across the campuses and further develop ʻōiwi leadership skills.
Recipients of the Poʻo Kula Scholarship, a new tri-campus award for haumāna pursuing a bachelor’s degree, share their thoughts on personal growth, the impact of Ke Aliʻi Pauahi’s legacy, and how their experiences as students of Kamehameha Schools have shaped their paths towards a brighter future.