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Daily Devotional stories

March 31, 2024

Lenten weekly video devotionals: Easter

He has risen! Kahu Kanani Franco from KS Maui wishes us a happy Easter as we celebrate the miracle of Jesus' resurrection.

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March 29, 2024

Lenten weekly video devotionals: Good Friday

Good Friday is a day of reflection and remembrance of how much God loves us. In this video, Kahu Manu Naeʻole reminds us that we are only able to live prosperously because of Jesus' sacrifice for us.

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March 28, 2024

Lenten weekly video devotionals: Maundy Thursday

Kahu Kaunaloa Boshard teams up with his son and KS Hawaiʻi haumāna Loheau for this reflection on John 13:34.

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March 24, 2024

Lenten weekly video devotionals: Week 6

This Palm Sunday, we remember Jesus' selfless sacrifice and the power of God's love and mercy.

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March 17, 2024

Lenten weekly video devotionals: Week 5

A KS Maui kumu and haumāna share two scriptures about God’s word to ponder over Spring Break.

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March 10, 2024

Lenten weekly video devotionals: Week 4

KS Kapālama Christian Education Kumu Nadia Kam urges us to seek God’s guidance in times of temptation.

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March 3, 2024

Lenten weekly video devotionals: Week 3

How does God show up in your life? KS Kapālama's Rodney Arias asks us to recognize His holy presence during this season.

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Feb. 25, 2024

Lenten weekly video devotionals: Week 2

Both Kensy Apaka and Brayden Malani reference Matthew 14:27 in their video devotionals about finding courage and trusting God.

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Feb. 18, 2024

Lenten weekly video devotionals: Week 1

In this week’s video devotionals, Shonnie Calina and Kaʻōiwi Jeong remind us that our identity is rooted in God.

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June 29, 2023

Weekly devotional: Go beyond

Kahu Kalani Wong KSK'74 shares how a recent strawberry picking adventure with his moʻopuna revealed manaʻo about having faith to go outside your comfort zone.

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June 23, 2023

Weekly devotional: Old ideas, new situations

Kahu Manu Naeʻole KSK’96 shares manaʻo on those times when we wondered, “why do I need to learn this? I’ll never use this again!” Turns out these seemingly insignificant lessons can pay big dividends later.

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June 16, 2023

Weekly devotional: Getting creative

KS Maui Kahu Kalani Wong KSK'74 shares manaʻo about identifying and treasuring the talents given to you by Ke Akua.

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June 9, 2023

Weekly devotional: Being a great learner

Kahu Kalani Wong KSK'74 shares how Nā Aliʻi were great examples of not just being lifelong learners, but also in applying that knowledge in their daily lives.

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June 2, 2023

Weekly devotional: Kūpono: A journey of justice, forgiveness, and redemption

KS Maui Kahu Kalani Wong KSK’74 shares the inspiring stories of Kamehameha ‘Ekahi and the Apostle Paul as they grapple with past injustices, ultimately finding the path of righteousness and forgiveness.

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May 26, 2023

Weekly devotional: The unexpected gift

Despite enduring a series of unforeseen and unfortunate events, KS Maui senior Shyla-Te’hara Moore remains resilient and finds strength through faith. With a strong belief in Ke Akua’s preparation and her own potential, she aims to give back to her community and Kamehameha Schools while embracing personal growth and spirituality.

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May 19, 2023

Weekly devotional: Mālama ‘āina – it’s our kuleana

KS Hawaiʻi senior Siddalee Amaral emphasizes how crucial it is to respect and treat each other with kindness, extending this attitude towards all of God's creations, including the precious land.

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May 12, 2023

Weekly devotional: He holds my hand

As KS Maui senior Saydi Bulosan shares, our journey of faith is not linear and while no two paths are the same, what remains constant is Ke Akua’s love for us.

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Feb. 17, 2023

Weekly devotional: Fullness of Aloha

In sharing the many definitions of aloha, KS Maui Kahu Kahu Kalani Wong KSK’74 reminds us to consider all the dimensions of the word so that we are in the best position to demonstrate the fullness of love.

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Feb. 10, 2023

Weekly devotional: Mahalo e Ke Aliʻi Keʻelikōlani

KS Hawaiʻi Kahu Kaunaloa Boshard KSK’77 recalls of the close and righteous relationship between Ke Aliʻi Bernice Pauahi Bishop and her older cousin Ke Aliʻi Ruth Keʻelikōlani, whom we also remember during Mahina ‘Ōlelo Hawaiʻi as being a staunch advocate of our language, Hawaiian cultural beliefs and way of life.

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Feb. 3, 2023

Weekly devotional: ʻO ke ALOHA kai ʻoi aʻe: The greatest of these is LOVE

In recognition of Mahina ‘Ōlelo Hawaiʻi devotionals this month are in both ‘ōlelo Hawaiʻi and English. This week, KS Maui Kumu Kūlia Foster prompts readers to explore and challenge themselves to find the hidden treasures of the Lordʻs love for all of us through his gift of our own ʻōlelo.

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Jan. 27, 2023

Weekly devotional: Pray for the inward change

In leaning on the words of Jeremiah 10:23-24, KS Kapālama Kahu Manu Naeʻole KSK’96 reminds us that as we pray for outward things to manifest themselves in our lives, we should also pray the honest prayer for God to change us on the inside.

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Jan. 20, 2023

Weekly devotional: Choose life!

KS Maui Kahu Kahu Kalani Wong KSK’74 reminds us that as we continue to march forward in 2023 and are faced with an abundance of choices, to always choose life for we will be better positioned to give life to others and spread the love of Ke Akua.

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Jan. 13, 2023

Weekly devotional: Praying with heart!

Leaning on the words of Psalms 66:17, KS Hawaiʻi Kahu Kaunaloa Boshard KSK’77 reminds us that praying starts by being brutally honest, so let Ke Akua know the good, the bad, and the ugly for we won’t heal from what we won’t admit.

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Nov. 18, 2022

Weekly devotional: Taking the good with the bad

In sharing the words of Philippians 1:27-30, KS Maui Kahu Kahu Kalani Wong KSK’74 reminds us that in some cases good may also come with the bad, but by staying united, we will find strength in those around us and continue to live proper lives as one.

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Nov. 4, 2022

Weekly devotional: Reforming ships and stories

KS Kapālama Kahu Manu Naeʻole KSK’96 shares the moʻolelo from the Old Testament, the Ships of Tarshish, and asks us to reflect on the gifts and functions Ke Akua has given us that need reformation power.

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Oct. 28, 2022

Weekly devotional: ʻImi naʻauao – Seeking wisdom

Just as Ke Aliʻi Pauahi provided guidance and counsel to those who sought her wisdom, KS Maui Kahu Kahu Kalani Wong KSK’74 shares that we all have the opportunity to turn to Ke Akua who will help lead us to the right source and down a righteous path.

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Oct. 21, 2022

Weekly devotional: Dreams and reality

In leaning on the words of Isaiah 6:9-10, KS Kapālama Kahu Manu Naeʻole KSK’96 reminds us that no matter where we find ourselves, especially if perception and reality are not matching, always continue to do good and declare to Ke Akua, “Here I am!”

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Oct. 14, 2022

Weekly devotional: An abundant life

After dwelling on his decade-old grill finally calling it quits, KS Maui Kahu Kalani Wong KSK’74 is reminded of the sacrifice by Christ so that we all experience an abundant life and shares the importance of relying on His word and purpose instead of only on worldly possessions.

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Sept. 30, 2022

Weekly devotional: His grace is sufficient

In leaning on the words of 1 Corinthians 15:10, KS Kapālama Kahu Manu Naeʻole KSK’96 reminds us to stop all the ways we try to anchor down our expectations for Ke Akua made us well and thus his grace is sufficient.

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