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How do you say: Come inside.
E komo mai i loko.

Lenten weekly video devotionals: Week 6

March 24, 2024

Kamehameha Schools spiritual leaders have created Hawaiian-focused video devotionals for Lenten season, a time of reflection and preparation for Easter, a joyful celebration of Jesus’ resurrection. Join us in honoring the deep Christian faith of our founder Ke Aliʻi Bernice Pauahi Pākī Bishop from February 14 to March 31. May these videos inspire us to grow in our faith and have a more meaningful Lent!

For Palm Sunday, KS Maui kumu Melissa Kehano reminds us that we are blessed because of Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice for us.

Kamalei Pahukula, one of the kahu ‘ōpio on Maui’s campus, recounts Jesus’ trek into Jerusalem and how His sacrifice is a reminder of His love.

maui campus,ks maui,our faith,daily devotional,ks lent devotionals,christian values

Kaipuolono Article, Regions, Kona, O’ahu, Maui, Moloka’i and Lana’i, East Hawai’i, Themes, Culture, Community, Hawaii Newsroom, KS Hawaii Home, Kapalama Newsroom, Kapalama Home, KS Announcements, Maui Newsroom, KS Maui Home, Newsroom, Hawaii, Kapalama, Maui, Preschools, Faith, Hawaii campus, Kapalama campus, Maui campus, Preschools

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