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Lindsey Watson KSM ’13 (left) and Kelly Hu KSK ’86 (right) with “Finding ‘Ohana” keiki actors Kea Peahu and Owen Vaccaro.

Weekly devotional: The harvest is coming

Feb. 12, 2021

Contributed by KS Maui Kahu Kalani Wong KSK’74

Ka Ipu o Lono shares weekly devotionals to provide spiritual enrichment to members of the Kamehameha Schools ‘ohana. For more inspiration, visit the KS “Our faith” website.

Heluhelu Baibala

Mai hoʻopalaleha kākou i ka hana maikaʻi; no ka mea, i ka wā pono e ʻohi auaneʻi kākou, ke hoʻonāwaliwali ʻole kākou. – Galatia 6:9

Let’s not become discouraged in doing good, for in due time we will reap, if we do not become weary. – Galatians 6:9

He manaʻo o ke kahu

There has been much publicity lately about today’s release of the Netflix movie “Finding ‘Ohana” which tells the tale of a tween girl and her family searching for buried treasure while reconnecting with each other and their Hawaiian heritage. This flick could actually be named “Finding (KS) ‘Ohana” for there are at least three of the key characters with ties to Kamehameha Schools. Lindsey Watson KSM ’13 and Kelly Hu KSK ’86 are both alumni. Playing the role of the lead character’s tūtūkāne is Branscombe Richmond, who is married to Lei Maa KSK ’77, father of Terani Richmond KSM ’10 and brother-in-law of Pono Maʻa KSK ’82.

For anyone who teaches or works with keiki and ‘ōpio, it is a joy to see one of their own succeed. Not too long ago, Lindsey was performing in High School Drama Club productions, and today she will be on the big screen. Such a treat for all those who nurtured her along the way. I’m sure it was the same way when Kelly made her debut. What makes this movie special is the way they get to showcase their Hawaiian roots in this movie.

As a teacher, there may be times when you stand there, scratching your head, struggling to figure out how to get through to certain haumāna. You keep teaching with the hope that something is getting through.

Today’s scripture is a great one for such times. I love the way the Passion Translation puts it, “And don’t allow yourselves to be weary or disheartened in planting good seeds, for the season of reaping the wonderful harvest you’ve planted is coming!” In other words, don’t give up because the work is worth it.

Consider the mahiʻai (farmer) who prepares the field, plants the seed, waters and nurtures it, and patiently awaits the harvest. We do the same with the lives of our children and our haumāna. We nurture them and pour our hearts into them, though we may not be the ones to reap the harvest.

That should never stop us from planting the good seeds that they may become good and industrious young men and women, who “will become local and global servant leaders who are culturally engaged and play significant roles in creating strong ‘ohana and communities throughout ka pae ‘āina o Hawai‘i and beyond.”

Whether the harvest be actors, actresses, musicians, lawyers, doctors, politicians, engineers, artists, plumbers, electricians, teachers, administrators, kahu or (fill in the blank), know that it is coming. Let us savor that moment.

daily devotional,christian values,our faith

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