Contributed by Nadine Lagaso
KS created a series of Hawaiian-focused devotionals for Lent to honor the deep Christian faith of KS founder Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop. The devotionals were designed to be used by students, staffers and others to celebrate the coming of Easter, so please feel free to share them.
Heluhelu Baibala
Bible reading
No ka mea, he ikaika, he mana hoʻi ko ka ʻōlelo a ke Akua, he ʻoi nui kona ma mua o ko ka pahi kaua ʻoi lua, e ʻō ana a kaʻawale ke ola a me ka ʻuhane, ʻo nā ʻami a me ka lolo; ʻo ia ka luna kānāwai no ka noʻonoʻo a me ka naʻau. – Hebera 4:12
For the word of God is living and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword, even penetrating as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. – Hebrews 4:12
He manaʻo o ka limahana
KS Kapālama Christian Education Kumu Vince Acohido
As a PE teacher at a catholic school, I remember the excitement the season of Lent brought to everyone. You would hear many haumāna and kumu ask, “What are you giving up for Lent?” Answers varied from chocolate to video games, to social media. One student proudly said he was giving up HOMEWORK during lent, LOL!
I often wondered why people fast during Lent. Tradition says it is to remember that Jesus fasted 40 days and nights while being tempted by the devil. Each time, Jesus said, “It is written...” I believe Jesus answered this way because at his weakest point He knew the power of the scriptures. They are active and can withstand all our trials and weaknesses! The end of this story found in Matthew 4 tells us when Jesus said: “It is written...” the devil flees and God sends his angels to comfort and minister to Him. Personally, during Lent, I fast my golf time. In replacement, I read Ka Baibala Hemolele which reminds me how “living and active” God’s word is and encourages me to share this hope with others.
I wonder how Liholiho, Kauikeaouli, Keōpūolani, Kaʻahumanu, Pauahi, and other meʻe observed Lent? Learning about their lives causes me to believe they would be serving others just as Iesū did for them and all of us! How do you observe Lent?
He manaʻo o ka haumana
Lauren Kawai KSK’25
Hebrews was written to show that Jesus is a better choice than anything or anyone else. Christ died on the cross for our sins allowing us to have eternal life. This scripture tells us that God’s word is almighty and living. It knows and allows us to see who we really are outside of just our physical body. His word was given to us to help change us from the inside and out.
lent,our faith,weekly devotional,ks hawaii,ks kapalama
Kaipuolono Article, Regions, Themes, Culture, Community, Employee ‘Ohana, Hawaii Newsroom, KS Hawaii Home, Kapalama Newsroom, Kapalama Home, Maui Newsroom, KS Maui Home, Newsroom, Campus Programs, Hawaii, Kapalama, Maui, Health and Wellness, Community Education, Faith
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