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Kamehameha Schools Hawai‘i Keku‘iapoiwa Learning Center Kahu Puke Keikilani Meyer and Deputation Team Leader Cheyenne Sato KSH’23 share their mana‘o for the second week of Lent season.

Lent week 2: Be steadfast during this time of uncertainty

Feb. 26, 2021

Contributed by Nadine Lagaso

Heluhelu Baibala
Bible reading

ʻO wau nō ke Kumu waina, ʻo ʻoukou nā lālā. ʻO ka mea e pili ana iaʻu, a ʻo wau hoʻi iā ia, ʻo ia ke hoʻohua nui mai; no ka mea, ʻaʻole mea iki e hiki iā ʻoukou ke hana, ke ʻole wau.
– Ioane 15:5

I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.
– John 15:5 ESV


He manaʻo o ka limahana
KSH Keku‘iapoiwa Learning Center 
Kahu Puke Keikilani Meyer

Due to COVID-19, we’ve been forced to deal with so many challenges, changes and uncertainties in every aspect of our lives. I don’t know about you, but my faith has been sorely tested over this past year and continues to be tested as we enter the second week of Lent.

When I read Ioane 15:5, I draw my strength from abiding in Christ. For Christ is the vine and we are the branches. Only through Christ am I able to wake up each morning full of gratitude for all the blessings I’ve received despite the uncertainty and challenges the pandemic brings.

What is the uncertainty, you ask? My son works for Starbucks, will he contract the virus because of his interactions with customers? Will I be able to truly hug my moʻopuna without fear of infecting her with the virus? Both my siblings live on the mainland. Will we ever physically be in the same room with each other again? Will we ever revert to some form of normalcy? Will I continue to be employed? When will I receive the vaccine? 

How do I deal with all of this? Through prayer! I hunker down with my faith surrounding me and I pray to ke Akua. Along with kahu and fellow kumu, we pray for each other, for our ‘ohana, for our haumāna, for their ‘ohana, for our colleagues, for our campus leadership, our communities and our nation. I know, that’s a lot of prayer! Only through prayer will we be able to withstand these challenging times, grow in our faith, and remain steadfast. In our steadfastness, we will surely see the fruit.

In the words of Queen Liliʻuokalani, “E ‘onipaʻa kākou.” Let us be steadfast. Mahalo ke Akua!


He manaʻo o ka haumana
Deputation Team Leader Cheyenne Sato KSH’23

As human beings, we often credit ourselves for our accomplishments and overall success in every area or aspect of our lives, including fighting a good fight. However, once we settle into this carnal mindset that it was because of me, myself, and I, we lose sight of our “first aid,” God. In this verse, God says that His children act as the branches of His almighty vine and that if we remain in Him as He is in us, we will bear fruit, or in other words will be efficient, successful, etc. 

God affords us every opportunity that comes our way – assisting us through the struggle and comforting us through the pain. He is our ultimate guidance throughout our lifetime and especially in this time of COVID-19. Therefore, one should never turn their heart away from Him for He is your strength, your patience, your perseverance and your vine.

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