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E komo mai i loko.

KS preschool students give “Pennies for Pauahi”

Jan. 10, 2024

More than 120 haumāna, kumu and staff at KS Kalihi-Pālama Preschool welcomed the Alumni Relations team this morning to present the Pauahi Foundation with a check for $413 raised by collecting “Pennies for Pauahi!”
In addition to the fundraising effort, the keki will write Valentines Day cards to give to kūpuna at Lunalilo Home next month. Mahalo to our youngest learners, their teachers and ‘ohana for embracing a culture of giving as we all work together to uplift the lāhui.


Kaipuolono Article, Alumni, Midwest Region, East Coast Region, South Central Region, Southern California Region, Northern California Region, Intermountain Region, Oregon Region, Pacific Northwest Region, North Hawaiʻi Region, West Hawai’i Region, East Hawai’i Region, Moloka‘i Region, Kaua‘i Region, Hawai’i, Kapalama, Maui, Oahu

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