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Inspired by the words of Zephaniah, KS Hawai‘i Kahu Kaunaloa Boshard KSK’77 urges us to choose joy! “Like infants who wake up and make a joyful noise to their māmā for comfort, care, and nourishment, we too, need to run directly into the outstretched arms of our Savior!”

Weekly devotional: Choose joy!

Aug. 20, 2021

Contributed by Communication Group Staff

Heluhelu Baibala
ʻO Iēhova ʻo kou Akua i waena ou, he
mana kona, e hoʻōla mai ana ʻo ia; e
ʻoliʻoli auaneʻi ʻo ia nou me ka hauʻoli, e
noho mālie ʻo ia i kona aloha, e hauʻoli
ʻo ia nou me ka mele ʻana.
– Zepania 3:17

Scripture Reading
The LORD your God is with you, the
Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take
great delight in you; in his love, he will
no longer rebuke you but will rejoice
over you with singing.”
– Zephaniah 3:17


He manaʻo o ke kahu
KS Hawai‘i Kahu Kaunaloa Boshard KSK’77

I sincerely hope this devotional finds you all amid great joy and celebration. With all that we are experiencing nowadays, we must know that we have choices to make each morning. I choose JOY! Do you choose JOY? What happens when we awake each morning and choose to connect with the supreme source of JOY? The answer is simple, The Joy of the Lord becomes my Strength.

This is why I love today’s passage of scripture so much because look at what Zephaniah is prophesying: 1) God is with us, always, 2) God, our Savior is a Mighty Warrior who fights for us, 3) God delights, or enjoys our company, and 4) God sings over us in celebration. As your thoughts begin to stir with excitement over these pronouncements, just think, how special are we? I need these kinds of inspirational reminders to start my day because I can get distracted by all the negative news, filled with either disparaging political views or the latest health update that shines a dim light upon our way.

However, Zephaniah demands our attention, his claims of who God is and who we are to God make it clear, our wellbeing is in the almighty’s strong, loving, and gentle hands. Kumu Shonnie and I were talking about this specific verse and she recounted a revelation that the Holy Spirit gave to her in a time of need. “Kahu, when I read the word “singing” in this passage God unveiled this image of a mother holding her baby and humming a mele as she rocks her precious keiki liʻiliʻi back and forth,” she explained. Wow! How important do you feel now?

Like infants who wake up and make a joyful noise to their māmā for comfort, care, and nourishment, we too, need to run directly into the outstretched arms of our Savior! Each morning, we get to make choices, each morning we get to choose what attitude or mindset will dominate our minds, our hearts, our wellbeing. So, the next time you are connecting with ke Akua and making pleas for peace, wisdom, and hope to fill your day take comfort in knowing that you are God’s pride and joy!!!! Let’s choose JOY!

daily devotional,christian values,our faith

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