Athletic trainers (ATs) render service or treatment to student-athletes, under the direction of or in collaboration with a the KS Medical Director, team physician(s), and/or the student’s private physician(s), in accordance with their education, training and the state's statutes, rules and regulations. Any injury or illness requiring treatment beyond the scope of athletic training will be referred to the student’s physician or the nearest emergency care facility.
As a part of the health care team, services provided by athletic trainers include primary care, injury and illness prevention, wellness promotion and education, emergent care, examination and clinical diagnosis, therapeutic intervention and rehabilitation of injuries and medical conditions. At KS, ATs also collaborate with the KS Health Services staff, Behavioral Health Specialists, and Student Support Teams.
To participate in a sport, a student-athlete must have a physical exam completed at least every 13 months (i.e. every 12 months with a one month grace period). When your child has their well-child physical examination throughout the year, it’s a recommended good practice to have the healthcare provider complete the KS Physical Evaluation form. Parents can then submit the form to KS through the parent portal. Through the parent portal, you can view the date of the last physical exam we have on record. A student-athlete must also have health insurance in order to participate.
For additional information, please see your campus’ Student and Parent Handbook.