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Naeole named new KS Kapālama kahu

Feb. 1, 2022

Manu Naeole KSK’96 has been named the kahu of Bishop Memorial Chapel. His kuleana includes tending to the spiritual needs of the campus’ K-12 community.

“We enlisted the help of haumāna, staff, and alumni to help review an outstanding pool of applicants,” said Po‘o Kula Dr. Taran Chun KSK’95 in a message to campus staffers. “In the end, Kahu Manu impressed everyone with his experience, background, and knowledge in congregational, educational and spiritual leadership and guidance.”

A Kamehameha School “lifer,” Naeole feels blessed to be back on campus.

“As a 13-year attender of Kamehameha in many ways Kapālama is home. Returning to campus in any role is gratifying in and of itself. Returning in the role of Kahu makes it even more special because I get to share Jesus with students and staff, in addition to feeling the comfort of returning home after a long trip away.”

Prior to joining KS, Naeole served as kahu at Kalihi and Moanalua Church, interim youth pastor at Kaumakapili Church, and Christian Education director at Community Church of Honolulu.

Naeole earned a bachelor of arts degree in religion from Whitworth College, a master’s degree in secondary education from the University of Phoenix and a master of divinity degree from Fuller Theological Seminary.

religion,spiritual well-being,ks kapalama

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