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DisruptTomorrow is one of the five learning tracks available at this yearʻs Kamehameha Schools Education Technology Conference on June 5-6 at the Blaisdell Center. Which new techologies, systems and innovations will disrupt education? Register to attend the two day conference at

Keynote speakers finalized for KSEdTech Conference - Register by May 18

May 4, 2018

Contributed by Shaundor Chillingworth

Inspirational speaker and environmental activist Liz Clark will join Arthur Renowitzky and Eugene Yoon as the keynote speakers at the 2018 Kamehameha Schools Education Technology Conference, DISRUPT.

Clark will provide the keynote on day two of the conference, with Renowitzky and Yoon opening the conference on day one with their triumphant story. See the bios for all three presenters on the conference website.

Disrupt will take place on June 5 and 6 at the Neal S. Blaisdell Center. There’s also an optional huakaʻi for registered attendees on June 4 being planned.

The two-day conference will feature five different learning tracks for the sessions that will follow the keynotes on both days.

This year celebrates the 10th year of the KSEdTech Conference, and will feature a record number of featured presenters and haumāna presenting at the conference. There’s a lot more in store to celebrate this special milestone year.

Get more information, preview sessions, see the presenters, and, most importantly, register for the conference by May 18!

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