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Encouraging a sense of hope

April 30, 2020

Contributed by Andrea Oka

Hope is the expectation that everything will work out and the feeling that things will be alright.

Many people may be feeling discouraged, hopeless or angry. Adults and students may be feeling a great sense of loss for activities that will not be taking place as usual. Students in particular may be disappointed in missing out on sports, competitions, performances and other important rituals of the spring semester.

To encourage a sense of hope during these difficult times, educators can:

  • Have students connect with someone in their family or community to ask a person they respect how they stayed hopeful in troubled times.
  • Teach about other historical times of crisis, including how these ended and communities rebounded.
  • Encourage students to get fresh air and to move when possible.
  • Share some of the many stories of hope and helping that have come out of this current crisis.
  • Share a positive affirmation or a strength of a student—it can go a long way right now.
  • Let students know that people find help in different ways, including through spiritual beliefs and practices, and encourage students to discuss things that bring them hope.
  • Facilitate and encourage students to meet virtually or by phone with a trusted adult who can show them a different perspective, help to identify their talents and strengths, list their options and resources, and encourage and support them.

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