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KS Hawaiʻi Religious Education Instructor Shonnie Calina delivers a message of encouragement to her fellow kumu, haumāna and their ‘ohana during a recent virtual piko gathering. Messages like Calina’s reinforce that it is the commitment to Our Faith that will ensure we continue to thrive during these uncertain times.

Distance learning underway

April 3, 2020

Contributed by Communication Group Staff

Whether we are students, families, alumni, teachers or staff, all of us in the KS ‘ohana play an important role in responding to the spread of COVID-19. By staying at home to study, teach and work, we can help protect the health of our community. At this time, it is not clear how long this public health emergency will persist.

Distance learning and educational support programs are underway at KS Hawaiʻi, KS Maui and at KS’ 29 preschools. KS Kapālama is still on spring break and will begin its Distance Learning Program as students and staff return to work on Monday, April 6.    

We are currently evaluating how to proceed with: the remainder of the PK-12 school year; campus and preschool graduations; campus summer school; and community summer programs. We will update you on decisions as soon as they are made.

In the meantime, we want to mahalo all of our students, families, teachers and staff for their commitment to teamwork and adapting quickly to continue serving our haumāna in the face of the pandemic. We’ve already seen distance learning come to life. For example, advisory check-ins at KS Hawaiʻi help kumu talk with their haumāna about challenges being faced, while also recognizing opportunities to develop routines.

KS Hawai‘i Po’o Kumu Ka‘ulu Gapero and Religious Education Instructor Shonnie Calina used video to deliver a message of encouragement to her fellow kumu, haumāna and their ‘ohana during a recent virtual piko gathering. The video can be viewed below.

These are just a few examples of how our KS ʻohana is rapidly adapting and innovating to keep our educational mission moving forward. 

We will continue to keep you informed about this evolving situation. For updates, visit and click on “Coronavirus Updates.”

Advisory check-ins at KS Hawaiʻi help kumu talk with their haumāna about challenges being faced, while also recognizing opportunities to develop routines.

distance learning,safety and well-being,coronavirus,ks hawaii,ks maui,ks kapalama

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