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How do you say: I don’t know.
‘A‘ole maopopo ia‘u.

Student safety and well-being

Safety and security

safety and security

We prioritize safety and security across the enterprise, ensuring appropriate governance, planning, and resourcing. The Student Safety Steering Committee (SSSC) is charged with oversight of enterprise-wide safety efforts that consist of cross-functional staff from across the KS enterprise. The Committee meets regularly throughout the year, ensuring continued improvement.

Community Outreach

Enterprise Governance

The Student Safety Steering Committee is comprised of leaders in the organization who advise on specific issues of safety and well-being affecting our students and staff going forward. Likewise, we engage current students for their mana‘o on concerns and suggested improvements.

Education & Training

All KS employees and regular volunteers undergo regularly updated training aimed at creating greater sensitivity for and awareness of the signs and symptoms of abuse, as well as reinforcing responses to such occurrences. These sessions have deepened our ability to prevent and detect abuse.

Our progress also includes a new online resource — this student safety website — to keep people informed about student safety activities, ways to report abuse, channels where community can share mana‘o with us, and other important resources.

  • Security
    • Well-trained security and safety resources are employed at all campuses. Kamehameha Schools is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for students, staff and visitors at all three campuses. KS officers are on duty 24/7, and campus access is strictly controlled at the main gate during school hours (8 a.m.-2 p.m.) and overnight (10 p.m.-5 a.m.).
    • Access to trained security and safety resources at each preschool is in place as needed based on location at our 30 preschools. Our KS campus security staff and independent security resources are available as needed to assist and respond to security concerns that may arise.
    • Schools are equipped with fire alarms and smoke detectors. Fire drills are conducted regularly.
    • Kamehameha Schools has established a campus-wide emergency response plan for each school that is designed to provide staff with guidance in the event of emergencies including communication to parents.
      • All emergency response plans are documented and tabletop exercises are routinely held to ensure staff knowledge is current. Students participate in regular emergency drills throughout the year.
    • Kamehameha Schools has implemented a threat assessment process that includes multidisciplinary teams that assess threats of violence from students who are or may be a danger to others. The teams collaborate to address the threats and plan support for the impacted students.
  • Incident Reporting
    • Safety and well-being related incidents are formally reported, tracked, and trends are analyzed for potential interventions or initiatives that may prevent future incidents.
      • Kamehameha Schools has a direct reporting tool for timely, non-emergency incidents where a quick response from a school administrator is needed. Examples of what should be reported include bullying, vandalism, or vaping. We encourage that if you see something, say something. Look for posters and placards around your campuses for more information.
      • Students who wish to report any concerns/ask questions that affect the health, safety and or well-being of any student (e.g. abuse and neglect, harassment, intimidation, bullying, sexual misconduct, violence or threats of violence, suicidal thoughts or action, or drug or alcohol use) should immediately contact a trusted adult on campus, including the school nurse, a counselor, a faculty member, any administrator, or the Po‘o Kula (collectively, “Student Supporters”). If the student reporter is a victim, the student should immediately report the incident to a Student Supporter so that KS may assist the victim and take other appropriate actions. Reports may be received verbally and/or in writing.

        If circumstances make it impractical or inappropriate to report to campus as outlined above, students or parents may make a report online with KS’ Hiʻikua Line.  While reporters are encouraged to identify themselves in order for KS to ensure efficient attention to any concern or issue, anonymous reports are accepted and investigated to the fullest extent possible. The Hi‘ikua Line is not intended to replace traditional reporting methods should students or families feel comfortable doing so. To access the Hi‘ikua Line, go to or call toll free: 1-844-284-2640
      • Adults (including Kamehameha Schools staff) who wish to report any suspicious activity, whether reasonably suspected, alleged, or actually witnessed, may file a report through the Hi’ikua Line at or call toll free: 1-844-284-2640.

        Kamehameha Schools does not tolerate retaliation against anyone who in good faith, reports a concern. It is a violation of KS policy to knowingly report false allegations. A student or staff member who is found to report a false allegation may be subject to disciplinary action. KS reports known or suspected child abuse and neglect to the government authorities.
  • Safety in Technology
    • KS’ Enterprise Technology Division continuously partners with the SSSC to evaluate technology solutions that can evolve and enhance enterprise safety and well-being efforts
    • KS employs information security practices to protect KS’ Information Technology assets. The privacy of KS data and data about students, staff, employees and constituency and community partners is protected against unauthorized use or disclosure. Protection of IT assets considers requirements for the preservation of confidentiality, integrity and availability.
    • Mandatory Digital Citizenship training for parents and students occurs on all three campuses at the middle and high school levels. “Digital Citizenship” refers to the responsible use of technology by anyone at KS who accesses computers, the Internet, and digital devices to engage with society on any level. In this training, haumāna and mākua learn about the following:
      • Access Control
      • Screen Time
      • Appropriate Content
      • Technology Etiquette
      • Social Media Posting
  • Field Trips
    • When haumāna are scheduled for field trips or other off-campus school activities, routine site inspections occur prior to ensure the safety of our students and staff during field trips to minimize potential dangers.
    • At least one employee is trained in CPR/First aid/epi-pen on every field trip if medical care is not otherwise available.
Survivors Reporting Past Abuse

As we continue to build a strong culture of safety and well-being, we are mindful of our kuleana to those survivors who attended Kamehameha and were the victims of abuse by former KS employees or agents. Over the last few years, we have cultivated a culture of open communication and provided channels for survivors to come forward. This was intentional and necessary to create an environment where we can offer help, care and aloha for each survivor. We appreciate the strength and courage it takes for survivors to come forward, and we are committed to listening to them.

All reports of claims of abuse involving current students and/or current KS personnel are  investigated. As part of the investigation, claimants may be asked to provide information and documents including a detailed summary of the incidents and identity of the perpetrator; the claimant’s education, employment and life circumstances; and medical, psychological evaluations and counseling received. The CEO notifies the Trustees of any abuse claims.

Ho‘opakele Fund

KS established the Ho‘opakele Fund in 2018 to provide counseling support to individuals who are survivors of past sexual misconduct or physical abuse while enrolled in a KS campus or program. Praesidium, an independent organization and national leader in sexual misconduct and abuse prevention, confidentially assists KS survivors to obtain counseling. Praesidium and the counselor’s services are funded by the KS’s Ho‘opakele Fund.

Community Advisory Council

We gathered a group of prominent leaders who are experts from the community in the field of sex abuse and trauma from the clinical, spiritual and cultural points of view — to serve as an Advisory Council. We received valuable feedback and resources on best practices in policy development and care for survivors.

environment and school climate
safety and security
cognitive health
physical health
mental health
hawaiian culture