Title: | Kumu Grade 5 |
Department: | Māhele Lalo |
Location: | Maui Campus |
Website: | — |
Phone: | (808) 572-3211 |
Email: | alakana@ksbe.edu |
Aloha I am Kumu Akana, a fifth grade teacher from Kailua, O`ahu. I am a graduate of Kamehameha Schools, Kapālama and earned my bachelors degree from San Jose State University where I played 4 years of Division 1 volleyball. I then earned my Masters of Education in Teaching from the University of Hawaii, at Manoa. Before coming to Kamehameha Maui I was teaching at Waiau Elementary and coaching girls volleyball for Kamehameha Kapalama. I now teach fifth grade here on the Maui campus and am the Head Coach for the girls varsity volleyball program.