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KS Hawaiʻi Hōʻike 2016

April 15, 2016

The Hawaiian language opera "Hā‘upu" debuted on March 10 at Kamehameha Schools Hawai‘i as part of the school's annual Hō‘ike. Hō‘ike is an all-school production that incorporates song, chant and dance to tell a story that connects back to Native Hawaiian  culture and mo‘ōlelo (stories). Hā‘upu tells the legend of Kana and Hina. It is a story of the Wā Kāhiko, the ancient times when gods would walk among men. It is a tale of mythological proportions shrouded in folklore and presented through and opera exclusively in the Hawaiian language. Hā‘upu is a story of love and hate; of wrong and revenge; of custom and courage; of passion and superstition. For more information, visit To see more photos from the production, visit the KSH Facebook page.