October 16, 2012
Pictures of staff, students, programs and activities around Kamehameha Schools.
Photos by Michael Young
KSK Hawaiian Language 6 students and Operations Support staff build an imu. The first step is to fill the pit with newspaper.
The Hawaiian Language 6 class is cooking and selling kalua pork as a trip fundraiser. They also spend time in the classroom with their Ops Support uncles and aunties teaching them Hawaiian.
KSK science students learn about Hawaiian plants at the Hawaiian garden, Keanakamano, down by the front gate.
Sophomores Ashton Mayo and Tammi Titcomb identify and measure plants. Keanakamano is an ideal outdoor classroom.
Hawaiian culture specialist Earl Kawa`a prepares a blank board for a staff class on making traditional poi pounding boards. The class meets once a week for eight weeks.
Students will chip out the squares to make the poi pounding surface. The class will also teach the students how to gather and prepare materials from the forest, identify and use the major strokes in making the board, identify various grains of wood and make a ko`i, adze.