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KS Kapālama offices moving from Pauahi Building to Keōpūolani this summer

Starting Thursday, June 12, some of the offices located in the Pauahi Administrative Building on the Kamehameha Schools Kapālama campus will be moving up to Keōpūolani, the former girl’s dormitory, while Pauahi undergoes renovations.

From June 2-July 18, the Cashier’s Office, the Office of the Po‘o Kula, the Office of the Hope Po‘o Kula, K-12 Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment and the Student Activities Accountant will relocate to Keōpūolani from the third floor of Pauahi.

From July 28-September 12, offices on the second floor of Pauahi will move to Keōpūolani. Those offices include Alumni Relations, Human Resources, Office for Educator Growth and Development (OEGD) and Parents & Alumni Relations (PAR).

Keōpūolani is located near the top of the Kapālama campus, the highest building up the mountain. To get to Keōpūolani, you drive past Konia on Girl’s Road, also passing Haleakalā and the girls’ dorm circle.