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How do you say: I don’t know.
‘A‘ole maopopo ia‘u.

Fifth grade haumāna following their final Kula Haʻahaʻa Lā Mei performance.

Watch Kula Ha'aha'a's Lā Mei 2021 - I Mana i ka Mauli Hawai'i

May 4, 2021

Contributed by Shaundor Chillingworth

On Friday, April 30, we celebrated our Lā Mei 2021: I Mana I ka Mauli Hawaiʻi. Grades were paired to perform in-person for each other (K-3, 1-4, and 2-5), with each grade performing two numbers. The event was streamed so that ʻohana could watch live and a recording of the event, including pictures of student submissions to our lei contest, is available on a special Lā Mei 2021 webpage.

I Mana i ka Mauli Hawaiʻi - empowered by our Hawaiian identity, has been a guiding theme for our kula haʻahaʻa this year. This manaʻo nui challenges us as ʻōiwi Hawaiʻi and ʻōiwi-serving educators to embrace our legacy as descendants and recipients of centuries of native brilliance. We are also challenged to embrace our kuleana to serve as strong ʻōiwi leaders that bring a solid foundation of skills to bear to solve the complex challenges that we face as a lāhui.

Our Lā Mei celebration builds on this mana’o nui through performances that celebrate ʻōiwi Hawaiʻi genius, leadership, ʻāina and patriotism.

Watch Lā Mei 2021

ks hawaii,lā mei,may day,kula ha'aha',hula,hawaiian language, 'ōiwi edge

Kaipuolono Article, Hawaii Newsroom, KS Hawaii Home, Hawaii Elementary School, Newsroom, Campus Programs, Hawaii, Hawaii campus

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