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KSH takes steps to encourage selfless giving

April 8, 2014

Contributed by Shaundor Chillingworth

Kamehameha Schools Hawaiʻi students, staff members and ‘ohana participated in the 2nd annual “A Walk for Pauahi” event held in the campus’ Paiʻea Stadium. The March 26 ceremonial walk raised funds for a new KS Hawaiʻi National Honor Society scholarship.

In addition to honoring the mission of KS and the legacy of its founder Ke Aliʻi Pauahi, the event is an opportunity for all members of the community who have benefited from the legacy of Bernice Pauahi Bishop, to come together and give back to help continue her legacy.

The walk was created as a way to have fun and demonstrate the Hawaiian value of kahiau, or to give generously from the heart without expecting anything in return.

The fundraiser is a student-driven effort created last year by former student Bree Kaneakua as her senior legacy project. In an effort to grow the event, current senior Khaila Moke-Sakamoto added a new component – a KS Hawaiʻi National Honor Society scholarship through Ke Aliʻi Pauahi Foundation.

“This year, I added to it and my focus was to kind of promote the value of education especially after high school through like a fun and active environment,” says Moke-Sakamoto.

“The foundation is excited to see this event continue to grow and inspire others to do what they can to continue the legacy of Ke Ali‘i Pauahi,” said Keawe Liu, executive director for Ke Ali‘i Pauahi Foundation. “The fact that this is also a student-led effort goes to show how much that legacy is thriving and that values like kahiau have gone from being taught to being demonstrated.

“We thank students like Bree and Khaila for their leadership and generosity so that future generations can benefit from their work today.” The amount of the scholarship has yet to be announced.

Watch the video below to see more from the day and hear from Moke-Sakamoto, junior Shaiyla Iwata and their advisor kumu Roy Alameida

A Walk for Pauahi participants celebrate a successful second year of the event.

Foundation executive director Keawe Liu, senior Khaila Moke-Sakamoto, director of alumni relations Dancine Takahashi and kumu Roy Alameida were among those who made the event happen.

Participants take a ceremonial walk around Pai‘ea Stadium on the Hawaiʻi campus.

Moke-Sakamoko talks with fellow National Honor Society members about the scholarship fundraiser.

Liu shares a mahalo with everyone who helped make the fundraiser a success.

keaau campus,special event

Kaipuolono Article, Newsroom, Campus Programs, Hawaii, Department News, Features

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