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The 95th annual KS Song Contest will honor the Polynesian voyaging canoe Hōkūleʻa and its voyage around the world with its theme: “He Moku, He Kanaka: Our Pacific Seafaring Heritage.” Above, a day break view of Hōkūleʻa and companion Hikianalia anchored in the bay of Waitangi, Aotearoa.

KS Song Contest is inspired by Hōkūleʻaʻs worldwide voyage

March 11, 2015

Contributed by Pakalani Bello

Kau ka peʻa, holo ka waʻa! “Up goes the sails, away goes the canoe!”

The theme of this year’s Song Contest, “He Moku, He Kanaka: Our Pacific Seafaring Heritage,” honors the Polynesian voyaging canoe Hōkūleʻa and its voyage around the world.

The following songs have been selected to celebrate a shared Pacific heritage and centuries-old knowledge of navigation and seafaring:

Men’s Competition:

Senior Men of 2015
“Hoʻi Ke Aloha I Raʻiātea”
Lyrics by Randie Kamuela Fong and Nuʻulani Atkins; Music by Randie Kamuela Fong

Junior Men of 2016
“Nā Peʻa o Hōkūleʻa/ Hoʻokele Medley”
Lyrics by Keliʻi Tauʻā; Music by Roland Cazimero

Sophomore Men of 2017
“ʻĀina Kupuna”
Lyrics by Randie Kamuela Fong and Pierre Sham Koua; Music by Randie Kamuela Fong

Women's Competition:

Senior Women of 2015
“Kamalei A Paoa”
Lyrics and Music by Randie Kamuela Fong

Junior Women of 2016
“Lā Hoʻolana/ ʻOni Waʻa Kaulua Medley”
Lyrics by Keliʻi Tauʻā; Music by Roland Cazimero

Sophomore Women of 2017
“Ka Napoleona o ka Pākīpika”
Lyrics by Keliʻi Tauʻā; Music by Kenneth Makuakāne

Co-Ed Competition:

Senior Class of 2015
“Ka Huliau ʻAna”
Lyrics and Music by Palani Vaughan

Junior Class of 2016
“E Mau Ē”
Lyrics and Music by Kainani Kahaunaele

Sophomore Class of 2017
“Waʻa Hōkūleʻa”
Lyrics by Larry Kimura; Music by Haunani Apoliona, Lance Koyama and Lolena Nicholas

Freshmen Class of 2018
“Holo I Ke Kai”
Lyrics by Keliʻi Tauʻā; Music by Kenneth Makuakāne

Photos by KS Hawaiian Culture Development Sr. Program Manager Mark Ellis.


Over 1,800 KS Kapālama high schoolers will celebrate their Hawaiian heritage through song at the March 20 Song Contest which can be viewed live on KGMB-TV and online.


6:30 p.m. / KGMB TV
A one-hour preshow centered on the theme of the song contest.

7:30 p.m. / KGMB TV
The song contest

Both the preshow and song contest will stream live on the KS Song Contest web page.


6:30 p.m. / KGMB-TV
Rebroadcast of the preshow followed by the song contest.

KS will once again embed a live chat function on the song contest web page that engaged many online viewers last year. Join the social media conversation on Instagram and Twitter by adding the #KSSong hashtag or on the KS Facebook page

All aboard?!

Song contest celebrate a shared pacific heritage and centuries-old knowledge of navigation and seafaring. Above, a sunrise view of Hōkūleʻa and companion Hikianalia anchored in the bay of Waitangi, Aotearoa.

Ocean navigators are treated to a sunset view from Hikianalia on route to Aotearoa as part of the worldwide voyage.

KS is the educational sponsor of Hōkūleʻa's worldwide voyage. Above, school girls from Vavaʻu, Tonga learn about the waʻa (canoe) during one of the voyage's many educational outreach sessions.

kapalama,campus,song contest,malama honua voyage

Kaipuolono Article, Newsroom, Campus Programs, Kapalama, Department News

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