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KS colleagues, friends and family recently witnessed the investiture of Trustee Crystal Rose at a Bishop Memorial Chapel ceremony. Rose’s first official act as trustee was to make a donation to the Pauahi Foundation, as a gesture of gratitude and to help perpetuate our educational mission.

Trustee Crystal Rose begins her term with an act of giving

July 8, 2019

Contributed by Nadine Lagaso

“Kamehameha Schools is not just about educating our keiki, but about preserving our people, our values, our way of life and our culture. Today, Kamehameha continues to be a source of hope for Hawaiians everywhere.”

These powerful words were part of the vision statement of attorney Crystal Rose when she applied for a seat on the KS Board of Trustees. Upon being selected, her first official act as trustee was to make a donation to the Pauahi Foundation, as a gesture of gratitude and to help perpetuate our educational mission. 

KS colleagues, friends and family recently witnessed the investiture of Rose as KS trustee at a ceremony at KS Kapālama’s Bishop Memorial Chapel.

“Many of you know Crystal and appreciate the values, talents and experience that she will bring with her to this role,” said Trustee Chair Lance Wilhelm during the ceremony. “For those who don’t yet know her, I can assure you without hesitation, that you will come to know her in the years to come and will be as proud to have her as your trustee as we are today. 

“You will come to know a woman who possesses the grace and dexterity of a hula dancer, the courage and grit of a warrior, and the wisdom to know when to be each. This is the Crystal that I know and this is the trustee I know she will be.” 

During her investiture, Rose received makana from KS Chief Executive Officer Jack Wong – an ‘ō‘ō stick as a symbol of strength, and a Baibala as a symbol of responsibility. Haumāna from the campus’ Hawaiian Ensemble, under the direction of Kumu Hula Kaleo Trinidad, presented Rose with a mele ho‘olana na‘au a ho‘okūpa‘a – an expression of inspiration and resolve. 

“I am honored and privileged to serve as a trustee,” Rose said. “I promise to work hard and do my best to protect Pauahi’s legacy, defend her wishes, honor her name and be one of her many warriors!  I look forward to working side-by-side with my fellow trustees, Jack, the management team and all staff to accomplish the goals set forth in our Vision 2040.  

“Like Pauahi, I am passionate about education being a source of hope for both our haumāna and our lāhui.  Like many of us,  Kamehameha and Pauahi’s gift set me on a path to become who I am today. 

“I have represented KS for many years and have advised the trustees, management and staff on many critical issues. Serving as a trustee is the next step in my journey to provide, value, insight and leadership to Kamehameha.”

Rose said what she is most looking forward to doing as trustee is spending time with haumāna at all grade levels, and providing mentorship and guidance to women throughout Kamehameha.

Learn more about Trustee Rose on the Kamehameha Schools website.

I am honored and privileged to serve as a trustee. I promise to work hard and do my best to protect Pauahi’s legacy, defend her wishes, honor her name and be one of her many warriors!
KS Trustee Crystal Rose

Prior to Rose’s investiture, the trustees visited Mauna ‘Ala – the final resting place of Ke Ali‘i Pauahi – to present ho‘okupu in honor of the princess.

During her investiture, Rose received makana from KS Chief Executive Officer Jack Wong – an ‘ō‘ō stick as a symbol of strength, and a Baibala as a symbol of responsibility.

Haumāna from the campus’ Hawaiian Ensemble, under the direction of Kumu Hula Kaleo Trinidad, presented Rose with a mele ho‘olana na‘au a ho‘okūpa‘a – an expression of inspiration and resolve.

Rose’s husband Rick Towill and sons Mark and Ian Towill stood by her at the investiture ceremony and joined the celebration that followed at the Ka‘iwakīloumoku Hawaiian Cultural Center.

KS Strategy and Innovation Vice President Lauren Nahme congratulates Rose.

Many of Rose’s KS Kapālama classmates were on hand to share in the celebration.

Current KS trustees: Robert Nobriga, Crystal Rose, Lance Wilhelm, Elliot Mills and Micah Kāne.

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