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Sushi Ninjas "Roll" through Lego Competition!

Nov. 14, 2016

Contributed by Kristen Purdy

This past Saturday, November 12th at the Kamehameha High School Gym, Kaʻulaheanuiokamoku, Kumu Kaiaokamalie and her team competed in the Lego League Competition. The team members: Malia Marin, Kealoha Baricuatro, Keegan Gantala, Kiaʻi Pahia, Kekai Apana, Sanoe Aganos, Noah Kalehuawehe, Makana Brayce-Kamaka, Kaleikaumaka Roback, and Kamalei Cua all worked many hours to prepare for the competition. This yearʻs theme was Animal Allies.  The Sushi Ninja team members had to:

 Identify a problem that happens when animals and humans interact. They chose to research the Ivory Trade Disaster.

 Design an innovative solution that makes the interaction better for animals, people, or both. The team created a panel board, brochure and skit to showcase their innovative solution.

 Share their problem and solution with others. They shared their work on Google Drive, the iLearning Lab blog ( ), and our very own Wake Up Warriors Morning Broadcast show.

 Build, test, and program an autonomous robot using a LEGO® MINDSTORMS® set to solve  14 missions on an obstacle course. Each member created at least one program and ran a robot mission.

maui campus

Kaipuolono Article, Maui Newsroom, Maui Elementary School, Maui campus

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