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Student leaders keep it positive, sharing tips and reminders with their peers of how to best navigate distance learning.

Student leaders stay positive with distance learning tips

Aug. 28, 2020

Contributed by Shaundor Chillingworth

Kamehameha Hawaiʻi ASKS student council leaders share a message with their peers about some tips, opportunities, and reminders of what they need to be conscious of as we stick to distance learning through at least Fall Break to keep our school community safe.

If we stay focused, stay positive, and stay engaged, we can set ourselves up for a successful return to campus in the Fall, and make the most of this time now.

Continue to look to your peers and your kumu for support and never be shy to ask for kōkua when needed. We have a supportive and caring kauhale for just that reason.

Mahalo to all of our student leaders who took our time to share this important message:

  • Sophia Perry - ASKS '20-'21 President
  • Candace Cavaco - ASKS '20-'21 Vice President
  • Xander Calicdan - ASKS '20-'21 Treasurer
  • Tylee Calicdan - ASKS '20-'21 Historian
  • Apolei Carvalho - ASKS '20-'21 Commissioner of Athletics
  • Laieikawai Smith - Class of 2021 President
  • Lenaia Andrade - Class of 2021 Vice President
  • Kanani Araki - Class of 2021 Secretary
  • Denby Nagata - Class of 2022 Treasurer
  • Cheyenne Sato - Class of 2023 President
  • Tehani Kekuawela - Class of 2024 President
  • Brayden Malani - Class of 2024 Vice President

ASKS student leaders share tips and reminders to their peers for navigating distance learning.

ks hawaii,imua kamehameha,student leaders,distance learning

Kaipuolono Article, Hawaii Newsroom, KS Hawaii Home, Hawaii High School, Newsroom, Campus Programs, Hawaii

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