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A diverse group of more than 90 KS employees are being mobilized to take the organization into the next phase of strategic planning.

SP 2020 action planning teams are up and running

Aug. 6, 2014

Contributed by Matthew Corry

Starting in mid-July, Interim CEO Jack Wong began visiting KS groups and divisions to share and get feedback on the draft of Strategic Plan 2020 that was recently approved by trustees.

As a parallel effort, action planning teams have been formed to advance Kamehameha Schools’ top priorities for the next five years.

“The strategic plan is all about movement forward,” Wong said. “The action planning teams are designed to lead our entire organization forward from plans on paper into action.”

The purpose of the action planning teams is to recommend the initiatives and supporting processes necessary to achieve the five main goals in the draft strategic plan.

The teams will also make recommendations to KS executives regarding specific outcomes, measures and targets to support and refine SP 2020. Region-specific planning teams will provide another level of expertise and insight in the process.  

To optimize effectiveness of teams, groups were formed to achieve broad perspective while maintaining a safe environment for open and honest discussion. Each action team is supported by seven to 12 staff members from across the organization and led by designated poʻo, as shown below.  

Poʻo for each team were recommended during the strategic planning process and were approved by the Executive Leadership Team and CEO.The teams are being assembled to bring a diversity of skills, prior work experience, vantage point within the organization, a transformative mindset, strong relationships across Kamehameha Schools, and the ability to influence positive change.

All action planning team members will be in place in the near future.

The teams will work through December 2014, with participants devoting some of their already tight schedules to the action planning efforts. The outcome of these teams will be 10- to 15-page action plans that will guide the organization’s next steps and resource allocation decisions.

Regional planning teams will contribute additional plans that intersect the five goals and are tailored to priority regions.

“There are many people throughout the organization who have valuable experience with our constituencies and have deep networks and innovative ideas,” said Lauren Nahme, director of Strategic Planning and Implementation. “While we are unable to involve everyone, we are confident that the members of the action planning teams — with guidance and support from the CEO and ELT — will put us in a strong position for 2015 and beyond while engaging their colleagues and staff along the way.”

GOAL 1: Network of Native Hawaiian SchoolsPua Kaʻai & Waialeale Sarsona
GOAL 2: Improved Educational SystemPono Maʻa
GOAL 3: Native Hawaiian IdentityMelehina Groves
GOAL 4: High-performing Native Hawaiian OrganizationDarrell Hamamura
GOAL 5: Impact-driven Resource ManagementM’liss Moore
Strategic Plan Timeline

July 15, 2014
Trustees approve draft strategic plan

July–September 2014
CEO shares approved draft of strategic plan with all staff

July–December 2014
Action planning teams develop action plans with recommendations to KS executives

January–March 2015
Division tactical and operating plans completed

February 2015
Strategic plan finalized and disseminated

July 1, 2015
KS begins new fiscal year under unified direction

Interim CEO Jack Wong is visiting KS groups and divisions to share and get feedback on the strategic plan draft.

KS staffers across the organization will have opportunities to learn about the plan.


Kaipuolono Article, Newsroom, Department News, Features, Strategic Planning and Implementation, Strategic Plan, Specials

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