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Seven KS Kapālama student-athletes signed their collegiate letters of intent Wednesday morning with family, friends and staff, including Warrior Football Coach and Athletics Relations Associate Abu Ma‘afala (far right), on hand. The student-athletes are, from left, Hoku Arias, Alfred Horner, Kanoa Sawai, Jamy Lum, Emma Kim, Akalea Kapono and Lokahi Pauole.

Seven KS Kapālama seniors secure collegiate opportunities through athletics

Feb. 6, 2019

Contributed by Kyle Galdeira

Seven student-athletes from Kamehameha Schools Kapālama made official this morning their college commitments at a National Letter of Intent signing ceremony on campus before family, friends, school staff and members of the media.

The seniors not only committed to play sports at the next level, but are taking the important step in furthering their education with athletics driving the endeavor, which for some includes significant scholarship opportunities.

The student-athletes who signed agreements with Division I and II institutions are:

Hoku Arias (University of Hawai‘i), Akalea Kapono (U.S. Naval Academy) and Lokahi Pauole (University of Central Florida)

Alfred Horner (University of Utah), Jamy Lum (University of New Hampshire) and Kanoa Sawai (Illinois Institute of Technology)

Water Polo
Emma Kim (La Salle University)

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