Contributed by Shaundor Chillingworth
With the recent surge of COVID-19 cases on our shores and throughout the world, we remain committed to the health and well-being of our students, staff, and families as our highest priority and protecting the continued benefits of in-person learning.
We mahalo our grade 4, 5, 6, and 9 haumāna and kumu for piloting the SaferMe program at our kula, Kamehameha Hawaiʻi will rollout our badge program for all students, faculty, and staff on-campus starting in January. As was announced in October, SaferMe is a valuable tool in adding precision and accuracy to our contact tracing process.
Next week, division poʻo will be communicating with haumāna and hoa kumu about when badges will be received, training for syncing your badge, and reinforcing expectations for use. This includes what to do when you don’t have your badge. By the end of the month, we expect the program to be fully operational and be a reliable source for contact tracing if needed.
SaferMe badges must be worn on-campus and on bus transportation whenever feasible. Exceptions include sports, especially when competing or in water-based activities, and physical education courses such as biking or swimming. Since no one can predict when, where, or with whom a case may occur, it is critical that everyone take this small step of wearing this badge each day you are on-campus so that we can protect each other.
The number one thing that SaferMe delivers is certainty. If worn properly and consistently, contact tracers are able to confirm that contacts do meet the criteria for close contacts established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Hawaiʻi Department of Health (DOH). A close contact is defined as any one within 6 feet for a combined duration of 15 minutes or more over a 24 hour period. That quantifiable certainty gives our COVID-19 response team the data needed to release those who do not meet that minimum interaction to be considered a close contact, where they may have been identified as such through a manual tracing process.
We did learn several important things from the pilot:
One of the biggest reasons for students and employees to make sure that SaferMe is successful is that there is potential once conditions stabilize in Hawaiʻi that the badges can be utilized in place of other, more restrictive safety measures that limit movement and interaction. The badges are able to account for those interactions so those who are close contacts can be identified. In demonstrating that we have an effective solution in the event of a case, we are afforded more flexibility to make those adjustments when it is appropriate to do so and the likelihood of a case is reduced.
We ask for your continued vigilance to the protocols in place, so we can continue to manage and provide in-person learning during this pandemic. Wear your masks, wash and sanitize hands, try to keep safe distances (particularly indoors) from people outside of your immediate ʻohana bubble. If you are not feeling well, please stay home; if you test positive or are a close contact, please notify your poʻo immediately.
Enjoy your new year celebrations safely and we look forward to a better 2022 together!
Mālama pono!
ks hawaii,hawaii campus,culture of safety,campus safety,covid-19
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