In December 2016, Road Trip Nation came to Hawaiʻi, for the first time, to explore careers and discover how innovations in the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) fields are improving lives both locally and globally. The series filmed during that trip will air starting January 3. It features two KS alumni - Keakealani Pacheco, a 2016 KS Hawaiʻi graduate, and Tehani Louis-Perkins, a 2014 KS Kapālama graduate. For more information on their journey, read For more info on this Hawaiʻi series, visit:
Contributed by Shaundor Chillingworth
Two Kamehameha Schools alumni (Keakealani Pacheco, KSH ʻ16 and Tehani Louis-Perkins, KSK ʻ14) are getting ready to make their TV debut next month on PBS Hawaiʻi.
Roadtrip Nation “Setting Course” is a public television series that follows young adults on a road trip, exploring different career paths by talking with a range of professionals who do what they love.
The opportunity to participate was made available to our students through Naviance, a college and career readiness software used on KS campuses since 2013.
In December 2016, Roadtrip Nation came to Hawaiʻi, for the first-time, to explore careers and discover how innovations in the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) fields are improving lives both locally and globally.
Read more about their experience and reaction.
Along with UH Hilo student Traven ʻĀpiki, the team visited a variety of professionals across Hawaiʻi, to explore the present and learn more about the future of STEAM careers in Hawaiʻi, many of which also keep them connected to their culture.
The four-part “Setting Course” series will premiere on Wednesday, Jan. 3 at 7:30 p.m. on PBS Hawaiʻi.
Tehani Louis-Perkins, KSK ʻ14, Keakealani Pacheco, KSH ʻ16 and Traven ʻĀpiki travel Hawaiʻi to take a look at the future of STEAM careers in our Islands. Roadtrip Nation "Setting Course" premieres Jan. 3 on PBS Hawaiʻi.
Kaipuolono Article, Themes, Leadership, Hawaii Newsroom, KS Hawaii Home, Hawaii High School, I Mua Kamehameha, Newsroom, Campus Programs, Hawaii, Kapalama
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