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KS Strategic Planning Core Team leader Dr. Shawn Kanaʻiaupuni addresses the crowd at a round two community meeting.

Planning for Strategic Vision 2040 moves into final phase

Feb. 3, 2014

Contributed by Ed Kalama

Built on the foundation of the Kamehameha Schools Strategic Plan 2000-2015, Kamehameha Schools has set out its Strategic Vision 2040. Included is a 25-year generational vision for success through post-secondary education across the Lāhui (KS beneficiaries and Native Hawaiians) and a five-year strategic implementation action plan in alignment with that vision.

Planning for this vision began with preliminary discussions in October 2011 and has evolved into a comprehensive process with multiple rounds of information-gathering and deliberation, including three rounds of meetings with community stakeholders, KS leadership and staff.

The undertaking has included 17 forums in 15 communities on five islands in round one, and 25 staff and community forums on five islands in round two. All together the meetings involved more than 1,300 participants as well as thousands of hours of data-gathering, research and analysis, cost projections, charting and futures modeling.

The final phase of planning meetings was launched January 17 with an internal share-back session with the Endowment Group. The final phase of meetings includes round two share-backs with KS staff at 14 meetings.

A total of 11 round-three external community share-back meetings are scheduled to begin in late February. Other meetings may be scheduled as needed.

The purpose of the final phase of planning is to share the results of rounds one and two, share the process used to develop Strategic Vision 2040, and share the next steps necessary to finalize and implement the plans for achieving this vision:

Within a generation of 25 years, we see a thriving Lāhui where our learners are achieving post-secondary educational success, enabling good life and career choices; are leading and contributing to their communities, locally and globally; and are grounded in the Christian and Hawaiian values embraced by Ke Ali’i Pauahi.

“This vision for a generation is a tremendous opportunity,” said Dr. Shawn Kanaʻiaupuni, who is leading Kamehameha’s strategic planning efforts. “We are blessed with so many gifts – aloha, time, resources, our land, our people, our keiki – and  this is our chance to harness 126 years of learning and growth to offer these gifts in creating a better future for our Lāhui. I may not be working here by the time we realize that future, but I love knowing that we have that long-term destination beyond Tahiti firmly etched in our sights.

“Our journey is not yet complete, and we still have much to do and plan for as we develop the ‘how’ of putting this bold vision into action. Our staff, community partners, and students are all part of the long-term voyage to make this shared vision a reality.”

Completion of the five-year strategic implementation plan launching the first phase of this vision is expected by August 2014 with execution beginning August 2015.

Strategic Vision 2040 is Kamehameha’s most ambitious effort to date to effect systemic change in a generation (25 years) by focusing on post-secondary success for Native Hawaiian keiki.

Kamehameha Schools believes that by improving educational outcomes leading to and through post-secondary completion, improvements in overall Native Hawaiian well-being will be mobilized over the long term.

Post-secondary educational success is being defined as completing a degree or credential that enables the broadest range of choices and meaningful, family sustaining wage-earning career opportunities. It is believed that all learners will have the widest range of choices when they are able to earn a post-secondary degree or credential, while respecting and valuing the choices of all Native Hawaiian individuals and families.

Within this envisioned thriving Lāhui, Kamehameha Schools’ objectives are to focus on improving educational outcomes that correlate to post-secondary educational success, including these six strategic milestones developed throughout the strategic planning process:

  • Kindergarten readiness
  • Reading at grade level or higher by third grade
  • Academically prepared by eighth grade
  • Graduating from high school on time and prepared for post-secondary education
  • Enrolling and completing post-secondary education and/or training
  • Leading, contributing and civically engaged citizens

Other objectives include providing the highest quality educational experiences in comparison to the best the world has to offer; seeking opportunities to be supportive, cooperative and collaborative with partners who share Kamehameha’s vision; and operating as a high-performing, mission-driven organization.

Kanaʻiaupuni said she has been inspired by the journey to help create the future direction of Kamehameha Schools.

“I am always struck by the tremendous insights and intellect of my co-workers, our trustees, leaders and staff, and the care, diligence and trust that they demonstrate in each other and in the work they do on behalf of our precious keiki every day,” she said.

“All of the many inputs and confidence in this strategic planning process have led to a vision with a strong call to action. I know we will achieve our goals because of our well-founded values and the strength of who we are as a Hawaiian organization.

“Personally, it has been a joy to have a role in this strategic plan. I’ve always been so inspired by the goals of our former plan, it’s a huge kuleana. I love being a part of this aspirational vision knowing the difference Kamehameha Schools will continue to make for our future generations.”

For more on Kamehameha’s Strategic Vision 2040, please visit the KS Progress and Promise website and look for these links:

Outline of Strategic Vision 2040
Ku Hanauna – Strategic Vision 2040 Video
Strategic Vision 2040 Frequently Asked Questions
Strategic Vision 2040 Timeline
Strategic Vision 2040 Round 3 External Meeting Schedule
Strategic Vision 2040 Round 2 Internal Meeting Schedule

View the Strategic Vision video below:

Tell us what you think!

Learn more on the Strategic Vision 2040 on the Kamehameha Schools Progress and Promise website.

KS employees are invited to fill out a “Reflections Worksheet” located on the website where manaʻo (input) can be shared about the KS Strategic Vision 2040 and the KS Strategic Action Plan 2015-2020.

All manaʻo gathered will assist the Strategic Planning Core Team in sharing the exciting news about the new direction being envisioned for the future of Kamehameha Schools.

The Strategic Planning Core Team huddles up at a weekly meeting in the KP Kaiona Room.

Strategic Vision think tank members made recommendations regarding strategic priorities for the next five years based on community and staff input.


Kaipuolono Article, Newsroom, Department News, Organization Change, Strategic Planning and Implementation, Strategic Plan, Specials

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