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Papa `Ekahi learns about nā koholā

While at the Pacific Whale Foundation, students in grade 1 not only learned about the different characteristics of animal kingdom species, they also participated in a beach clean-up as a malama honua contribution.

Feb. 4, 2016

Contributed by Kristen Purdy

Papa ʻEkahi learned about the different characteristics of species in the animal kingdom at the Pacific Whale Foundation. Keiki gained knowledge about the Humpback Whale and then participated in a whale watch. Students learned observational skills by exploring surroundings in the kai region using binoculars and digital cameras. As a demonstration of Malama Honua and doing our part to protect the ocean environment, keiki participated in a beach clean-up.

maui campus

Kaipuolono Article, Maui Newsroom, KS Maui Home, Maui campus

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