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Wednesday, August 12 is the new official start date for the 2020-2021 school year.

New start dates to the 2020-2021 school year

June 29, 2020

Contributed by Shaundor Chillingworth

E Nā ʻOhana o Ke Kula ‘o Kamehameha Hawaiʻi nei ē, aloha nui ʻoukou a pau,

I hope that you and your loved ones are finding ways to connect, rejuvenate and enjoy this summer. Our enterprise and campus leadership teams have been partnering to reopen campus and are committed to reorienting you to the new school year in the safest and most supportive way possible.

Kamehameha Schools continues to ensure a consistent standard for the safe return to campus, including a robust set of health and safety measures. Our entire organization has made a commitment to give you and your keiki options for learning that best meet your ʻohana’s needs. Understanding these learning models and the safety measures we are implementing are important to you making an informed decision for your keiki and ʻohana.

Learning Models

Plans for the different learning models address the varying COVID-19 risk levels and are being shaped, in part, by the feedback you shared directly with poʻo kumu, and through our Pehea Kākou survey responses. Our learning models, described below, are designed to fulfill our promise of ʻŌiwi Edge excellence and will allow us to pivot quickly if conditions around us shift.

Learning ModelKula
Kula WaenaKula
Face-to-Face Learning means that your child will be in school daily engaging in a variety of face-to-face and digital learning experiences.




Distance Learning at home will be completely online and requires parent support and monitoring. We will partner with you to ensure your child has the necessary assistance to be successful while learning digitally.XXX
Hybrid Learning is a combination of face-to-face and digital learning experiences on campus and at home.  X


Safety Measures

We have shared kuleana to ensure our campus learning environment is safe for all. Our commitment to understand and follow safety precautions in support of each other will have a vital impact on the health and well-being of our campus ʻohana. The following is a list of safety measures we are implementing.

 TransportationOur buses will operate at 60% capacity to allow for safe physical distancing and face covering is required for all riders. Buses will be added to routes where appropriate.
 Temperature ScreeningTemperature screening for all students will be conducted. Bus riders will be screened before boarding, and parents must wait until their keiki is cleared to board. Screening stations will also be in place on campus for student drivers and those who are dropped off.
 Physical DistancingPhysical distancing will be followed, and group sizes and mixing will be limited according to guidelines.
 Face CoveringsFace coverings are required when students are moving in common areas. In collaborative spaces where face-to-face interaction will occur, students will also wear protective eye wear (face shields, glasses).
 Meal ServiceFood services will involve single-serve, self-contained meals and beverages. There will be no self-serve or buffet type service. All students will eat meals in designated areas and abide by physical distancing guidelines.
 HygieneElevated hand washing will occur and classrooms and common areas will be equipped with additional hand sanitizing stations. Good preventive hygiene will be incorporated into the school day routine.
 Isolating SymptomsStudents who exhibit symptoms of COVID-19 while on campus will be sent to the health room and isolated until picked up. KSH will follow contract tracing protocols for any confirmed COVID-19 cases.
 Enhanced Cleaning ScheduleClassrooms and common areas will be appropriately cleaned, sanitized, and disinfected as directed by guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Learning Model Selection

Your learning model selection will be for the entire first half of the school year, and you will have an opportunity to revisit your choice in December 2020 for the second half of the school year.

If you prefer face-to-face on-campus instruction when school reopens in August, no further action is necessary.

High school students interested in hybrid learning can register for this model on August 6, 2020. More information about this option is forthcoming from the high school administration. 

However, if you are opting for distance learning

  1. 1. Visit KS CONNECT. 
  2. 2. Navigate to the “Forms” page and select the Distance Learning Form
  3. 3. Submit your electronic signature by providing your first and last name and then clicking on sign agreement
  4. 4. Like other KS agreements, both parents (if applicable) must acknowledge and sign this form.
  5. 5. Once both parents sign the form, any changes would need to be completed by our registrar. Please contact your child’s front office directly for assistance. 
  6. 6. Parents must opt-in to distance learning by Friday, July 3.


Calendar Adjustments

Your poʻo kumu and educators are hard at work planning and preparing to personalize support for our haumāna. To accomplish this, we have made intentional adjustments to our calendar for the 2020-2021 school year which provide our kumu with 10 days of professional learning to ensure a successful transition to the new school year. To accommodate this change, the following revisions have been made to our school calendar:

  • New start date for students is Wednesday, August 12
  • September 18, January 29, and April 23 have been adjusted from in-service days to regular school days to retain the total number of instructional days for your child

The adjusted K-12 and division calendars are available for download here to assist in your planning:

We will share a complete back-to-school plan next week and will continue to send updates as new information becomes available. While the situation remains dynamic, our leadership team is unwavering in our pledge to responsibly reopen our campus to you, your child, and our community. We are deeply grateful for your trust in us and for your partnership in your keikiʻs education journey.


‘O au iho nō me ke aloha kauhale ē,

M. Kāhealani Naeʻole Wong
Poʻo Kula, Kamehameha Hawaiʻi

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