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Longtime KS Land Assets Director Neil Hannahs was named Kamaʻāina of the Year by the Historic Hawaiʻi Foundation (HHF) for preserving Hawai‘i’s history, culture and essential places. In this tribute video, family members and community leaders share their sentiments about Hannahs and his profound impact on land stewardship.

Hannahs is named Kamaʻāina of the Year by the Historic Hawaiʻi Foundation

Nov. 20, 2015

Contributed by Nadine Lagaso

Neil’s leadership in the areas of cultural and natural resource management and community enrichment were a natural fit for the foundation. He demonstrated his commitment to cultural preservation at places such as Loko I‘a He‘eia, Waipā Ahupua‘a, Kahalu‘u-Keauhou Ma Kai, and through ongoing programs for other agricultural, natural and culturally-significant lands across the islands.
Kiersten Faulkner, Historic Hawai‘i Foundation Executive Director

Among the programs developed during Hannahs’ tenure was First Nations Futures, a partnership that cultivates native leaders in cultural and natural resources. Many of the program’s alumni honored him at the awards ceremony. Hannahs will retire on KS’ Founder’s Day, Dec. 19 and launch an enterprise that will continue to strengthen ʻōiwi leadership.

Maenette Benham, dean of UH’s Hawaiʻinuiākea School of Hawaiian Knowledge, and HHF Trustee Cissy Farm present Hannahs with the Kamaʻāina of the Year award.

Hannahs’ wife Mariane – a retired KS Kapālama Elementary School kumu – gave a gift of hula in honor of her husband.

KS Director of Natural and Cultural Resources Ulalia Woodside composed and chanted a name song for Hannahs as a makana to her mentor.

The musical duo Kūpaoa featuring Hannahs’ daughter Līhau Paik and husband Kellen gave the gift of mele to Hannahs and nearly 600 guests.


Kaipuolono Article, Employee ‘Ohana, Honors & Awards, I Mua Kamehameha, Newsroom, Department News, LAD News

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