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KS Maui Kahu Kalani Wong 'KSK'74 , KS Kapālama Kahu Manu Naeole KSK'96 and KS Hawai'i Kahu Kaunaloa Boshard KSK'74.

Nā kahu share their journeys of faith on National Prayer Day

May 5, 2022

Our tri-campus kahu share the "why" behind what led them back to Kamehameha Schools and serving Ke Ali‘i Pauahi’s legacy in honor of National Prayer Day, May 5.

“The biggest influence in my life is Jesus, His mission in the world, and His call to make disciples. This call has been the driving force for all that I do. Professionally, I spent ten plus years working as a math teacher. The professional work helped me to develop a love for working with students and a passion for teaching. Serving as Kahu of our Kapālama campus provided a unique opportunity to directly make disciples, and to work with students as I do my best to help others in the discipleship process. As an alum of Kamehameha, I get the added bonus of working on a campus that shaped and formed me in so many ways. It’s now my chance to give back to the people of Hawaiʻi, and in a small way to be part of the legacy of Ke Aliʻi Pauahi.” – KS Kapālama Kahu Manu Naeole KSK’96

“I witnessed firsthand the power of our beloved princess’ vision and mission and her legacy of aloha for our lāhui. I also believe that Ke Akua purposely designed me to be exactly who I am here at Kamehameha School Hawaiʻi at this very time and place. The Baibala Hemolele says, “I ʻole ke aʻo ʻia mai, hele hewa nā kanaka; aʻo ka me mālama i ke kānāwai, pōmaikaʻi ʻo ia. Without a vision (revelation) the people perish or move aimlessly. But those who care for the law (or learning) are blessed.” My role as Kahu and Kumu is to help move our haumāna in a pono direction so that they are confident in their faith, always living with hope, and leading others with aloha. Our vision and mission statements that we embrace here as Ka ʻOhana Kamehameha keep me firmly focused on the goals that help me to prepare our students for fruitful lives during and beyond a post-graduate education. Together we all strive to encourage and develop young ʻōiwi leaders to become alakaʻi lawelawe who will gladly serve others while building a successful livelihood and maintaining a thriving ʻohana.” – KS Hawai‘i Kahu Kaunaloa Boshard KSK’77

“I was asked by Kamehameha Schools to bless the new campus on Maui in 1999. As it spread out to the neighbor islands, I saw the vision of Ke Aliʻi Bernice Pauahi Bishop being lived out fully. Seeing the new buildings, with elements of the Kapālama campus, made me reflect back on my own time as a Warrior. I followed God’s call to join Kamehameha Schools to carry out the mission and vision of Pauahi and to give back to the lāhui so much of what I’ve been blessed with through ke aloha o ke Akua.” – KS Maui Kahu Kalani Wong KSK’74

Mahalo piha to our kahu, for sharing their faith and devotion and for promoting the spiritual well-being of our haumāna and limahana!


Kaipuolono Article, Themes, Leadership, Employee ‘Ohana, Honors & Awards, Hawaii Newsroom, Kapalama Newsroom, Maui Newsroom, Newsroom, Campus Programs, Hawaii, Kapalama, Maui

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