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Nā Hana Lokomaika 'i - Kula Waena Acts of Kindness

Dec. 1, 2016

Contributed by Thomas Jones

The holiday season is kicking in and what better way to celebrate by sharing your Christmas spirit with others! Students, parents, faculty, and staff are all encouraged to participate in Nā Hana Lokomaikaʻi - Kula Waena Acts of Christmas Kindness. All of the acts of kindness are simple things we can all do every day like; "Tell someone how you appreciate them", "Say 'Aloha' to your parents and kumu", "Send an inspirational message to a friend or family member on Social Media". All of these thing are guaranteed brighten your day and your kindness recipient's day too! Mele Kalikimaka - Merry Christmas!

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maui campus,holiday,christmas,mele kalikimaka

Kaipuolono Article, Maui Newsroom, Maui Middle School, Maui campus

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