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Nikki McGuire hands off her scores to one of the judges.

Maui team sweeps State Soil Conservation contest

Kamehameha high school soil conservation team placed first at the state contest as well as took all three top individual scores.

Nov. 21, 2016

Contributed by Naomi Ashman

Kamehameha School's Soil Conservation team took first place at the state competition on Friday, Nov 18th on Kauai. The team was made up of seniors, Brendan Otani who took first place in the individual scoring, Kūpono Aguirre who took second, Nikki McGuire who placed third and Kaimana Idica who also placed.

There were four islands represented in the completition  which was held at the Kauai Coffee Plantation in Eleele. The students had three soil pits which they had to identify and test soil conditions. The top three individal scores were combined to determine the winning team. Students won cash prizes and the school also won a cash prize.

The team is now invitied to participate in the national competition in Oklahoma City in May.

The team advisor is Mr. Duane Iwamura.

The winning team.
Credit: Naomi Ashman

Kūpono Agurrie testing soil condition.
Credit: Naomi Ashman

Kaimana Idica and Brendan Otani look over their scoring sheets before turning them in to judges.
Credit: Naomi Ashman


Kaipuolono Article, Maui Newsroom, KS Maui Home, Maui High School, Maui campus

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