Contributed by Nadine Lagaso
Five Kamehameha Schools educators recently achieved certification by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, bringing the number of certified KS educators to 75 – more than any other private school system in the state!
The NBPTS certification is the nation’s highest credential in the teaching profession. To ensure that all Hawai‘i teacher certification candidates had the best chance for success, KS’ Hoʻolaukoa Career Pathways and Professional Growth Department partnered with the Hawai‘i State Teachers Association to provide candidate support through seminars and cohort meetings.
“More than a decade of research conducted across the nation confirms that National Board Certification is linked to improved student achievement,” said JoAnn Wong-Kam, managing director of KS’ Ho‘olaukoa Education Systems and Strategy Division. “By continuing to support our kumu in their certification efforts we continue to advance distinguished teaching and learning across our Nā Kula Education system.”
The certification process can take from one to five years to complete, and includes building portfolios of student work, assignments, and a teaching analysis. The portfolios account for 60 percent of the certification scoring. The remaining 40 percent is based on exams assessing teaching subject areas and strategies.
Despite the rigors of the process, National Board-certified teachers often refer to it as the best professional development they have ever experienced.
Ceremonies were recently held on O‘ahu, Maui and Hawai‘i island to honor newly certified and renewed KS and Hawai‘i State DOE educators.
Nicole Barsamian
Art Kumu, KS Maui Middle School
Jan Ching
Counselor, KS Hawaiʻi High School
Alana Kaopuiki-Pellegrino
K-2 Resource Kumu, KS Maui Elementary School
Kristy Sharrer
5th Grade Resource Kumu, KS Kapālama
Cady Uyeoka
5th Grade Resource Kumu, KS Kapālama
Congratulations also to KS Kapālama Interim Middle School Vice Principal Kimberley Glassco who renewed her teacher certification!
See a complete list of our NBPTS-certified educators.
Applications are currently being accepted for the 2019-2020 National Board for Professional Teaching Standards certification cohort. For more information about pursuing teacher certification, visit the NBPTS website.
Kamehameha educators interested in seeking certification, can learn more on the Ka Ipu o Lono Nā Kula ‘O Kamehameha web page.
If you have questions, please contact Hoʻolaukoa Senior Design Specialist Arianne Chock, NBCT, at
KS Maui Head of School Dr. Scott Parker congratulates KS Maui Middle School Art Kumu Nicole Barsamian and K-2 Resource Kumu Alana Kaopuiki-Pellegrino, who brought their daughters Eleanor and Keālia along to celebrate their certifications.
KS Hawai‘i High School Counselor Jan Ching also earned national certification.
sp2020 goal 2,world-class education,partnerships,professional development,department of education
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