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KS Middle Haumaūna Kōkua Their Community

Oct. 31, 2016

Contributed by Thomas Jones

This past Friday, the entire middle school participated in service to kōkua a community agency with the idea that many helping hands get the job done much quicker than one person. Students, kumu, and staff helped at: Malaʻai Poi (Wailuku), Ka Hale A Ke Ola Shelter (Lahaina, Wailuku), Leilani Farm Sanctuary (Haiku) and Hale Hoʻikeʻike (Wailuku).

Several of the community groups were new to our service list, among them Leilani Farm Sanctuary. The group who helped the sanctuary learned a lot about this farm in Haiku – its purpose and cause, to give animals a safe place to live. Guests who visit are educated on factory farming – animal production for human consumption. Students also helped at the Lahaina homeless shelter by prepping units for new occupants and cleaning the grounds.

Mahalo to our kula waena hui kumu and grade-level team leaders for working together to make this event a positive experience for our haumāna!

maui campus,community engagement and resources,kula waena

Kaipuolono Article, Maui Newsroom, Maui Middle School, Maui campus

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