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Kamehameha Schools Maui ​Elementary School art kumu Diane Fell is thankful for her more than 20 years of teaching art at KS Kapālama and KS Maui and having the chance to see her students go on to have careers in art.

KS Maui kumu named Hawai'i Art Educator of the Year

March 14, 2018

Contributed by Shaundor Chillingworth

The National Art Education Association has named Kamehameha Schools Maui Kula Haʻahaʻa art teacher Diane Fell as its 2018 Hawai‘i Art Educator of the Year. This award honors an outstanding member from each state whose service and contribution to art education merits recognition and acclaim.

The award will be presented at the NAEA National Convention in Seattle, Washington, on March 22-24, 2018.

"This award recognizes excellence in professional accomplishment and service by a dedicated art educator,” said Kim Huyler Defibaugh, NAEA president. “Diane Fell exemplifies the highly qualified art educators active in education today: leaders, teachers, students, scholars, and advocates who give their best to their students and the profession."

Fell’s art career at KS started at KS Kapālama with three years of teaching high school art including courses such as honors art history, screen printing, and silver jewelry fabrication. She began teaching elementary art at KS Maui in1999 and aid she enjoys seeing students progress in and be recognized for their artistic expression and aesthetic awareness.

“I’m thankful for the years of support from Kamehameha Schools which values the importance of art education and has made it possible for me to teach art and for students to engage in art making, win awards and go on to have careers in art,” Fell said.

I‘m truly grateful for this recognition and want to mahalo the NAEA for this honor.”

For more information about the association and its awards program visit the NAEA website.

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