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Four KS Hawai‘i kumu earned certification by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. They are: Electronic Media Kumu Nader Shehata, English Kumu Connie Leyendecker, English Language Arts Kumu Holly Lee, and Literacy Specialist Lauren Supnet.

KS kumu earn national recertification

May 3, 2022

Thirteen Kamehameha Schools educators on three campuses recently earned recertification by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, bringing the number of certified educators at KS to 79.

The NBPTS certification is the nation’s highest credential in the teaching profession and can take up to five years to complete. It includes building portfolios of student work, assignments, and a teaching analysis.

Once certification is earned, educators earn recertification by successfully completing the national board’s Maintenance of Certification process every five years. The process ensures that educators continue professional growth experiences with a focus on positively impacting student learning.


Eleonor Leite-Ah Yo – KSH Grade 6 kumu


Kamehameha Schools Hawai‘i

Holly Lee – English language arts kumu
Lauren Supnet – Literacy specialist
Connie Leyendecker – English kumu
Nader Shehata – Electronic media kumu
Eleonor Leite-Ah Yo – Grade 6 kumu

Kamehameha Schools Maui

Angie Abe – Art kumu
Lory Aiwohi KSK’91 – Math kumu
Ketra Arcas – Librarian
Lyla Eldridge KSK’79 – Grade 2 kumu
Cynthia Fernandez – Assistant principal
Jaylyn Hashimoto – Assistant principal
Candis Nishimitsu – English kumu

Kamehameha Schools Kapālama

Natalie Wong – Vice principal
Kēhau Hikila – English kumu


Tiana Miguel – Literacy Resource Teacher, Kaunakakai Elementary School
Jane Cariaga – Literacy Resource Teacher, 'Ewa/Waialua
Jennifer Muller – Literacy Resource Teacher, East Hawai'i

Seeking certification?

Applications are currently being accepted for the 2022-2023 National Board for Professional Teaching Standards certification cohort. For more information visit the

teacher certification,ks maui,ks hawaii,kumu,ks kapalama

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