Contributed by Mae Nishimura
Through its Commercial Real Estate Division (CRED), Kamehameha Schools is working with Kupuna Kokua, a non-profit that provides free deliveries from local food service businesses to Hawaiʻi’s community, connecting KS tenants with customers.
KS reached out to all of its operating food and beverage tenants to inquire if they would be interested in signing up with Kupuna Kokua, as a way to support their business through the COVID-19 crisis.
“KS is invested in the health and well-being of our economy,” said Jeffrey Mau, KS’ CRED director of asset management. “The organization cares deeply about the survival and success of our tenants and we understand their essential role in our communities,” Mau added.
Although their name suggests they service the elderly, Kupuna Kokua accepts requests from anyone during this crisis. They believe by staying home, you are doing your part to protect others.
“We are committed to protecting our kūpuna by helping everyone access necessary goods and services from the comfort of their own home,” said Erica Warkus, Kupuna Kokua co-founder.
A number of KS food service tenants in operation across on Oʻahu and Hawaiʻi island, have connected with Kupuna Kokua to expand their delivery reach during the COVID-19 crisis.
If individuals are looking to give back, volunteers go through a rigorous vetting process. Additionally, they are provided with face masks, hand sanitizer and in-depth training on social distancing and safety protocols to ensure that they and customers stay safe and healthy. To learn more visit the Kupuna Kokua website.
cred,commercial real estate,kupuna kokua,kakaako,covid-19
Kaipuolono Article, Regions, West Hawai’i, East Hawai’i, Themes, Culture, Community, Leadership, Newsroom, Department News, Commercial real estate news, News Briefs
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