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Kamehameha Schools is committed to lifelong learning of Hawaiian culture and language. To reinforce that commitment, we are sponsoring the ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi version of the Merrie Monarch Festival hula competition broadcast via secondary audio programming (SAP). Instructions for access will be given during the program. This video on ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi at KS will air during the television broadcast of the competition.

KS alumni to showcase hula on a worldwide stage at 2019 Merrie Monarch Festival

April 24, 2019

Contributed by Nadine Lagaso

Happy Merrie Monarch Week! Many of our KS students, staff and alumni will share their passion for Hawaiian language and culture on a worldwide stage at the festival’s hula competition starting this Thursday.

The week-long Merrie Monarch Festival features an internationally acclaimed hula competition showcasing kahiko (ancient) and ʻauana (modern) hula. The festivities also include a Miss Aloha Hula competition, Hawaiian arts fair, hula shows, and a grand parade through Hilo town.

Good luck to our Kamehameha ‘ohana and mahalo to the following alumni who are lighting the way to a vibrant future for our lāhui.


Keolalaulani Dalire KSK’99
Keolalaulani Hālau ‘Ōlapa O Laka

Kapua Dalire-Moe KSK’90
Hālau Ka Liko Pua O Kalaniākea

Tracie Farias Lopes KSK’89 & Keawe Lopes
Ka Lā ʻŌnohi Mai O Haʻehaʻe

Kamaka Kukona III KSK’96
Hālau O Ka Hanu Lehua

Hulali Solomon Covington KSK’71
Beamer-Solomon Hālau O Po‘ohala

Haunani & ʻIliahi Paredes  KSKʻ92
Hālau Kekuaokalāʻauʻalaʻiliahi

Kaleo Trinidad KSK’93
Ka Leo O Laka I Ka Hikina O Ka Lā

Allison Kaʻilihiwa Vaughan-Darval KSK’93
Hālau Hula Ka Lehua Tuahine

Karl Veto Baker KSK’76 & Michael Casupang
Hālau I Ka Wēkiu


Miss Aloha Hula 2018 Shalia Kamakaokalani KSM’14 of Hālau Nā Lei Kaumaka O Uka (Kumu Hula Nāpua Greig-Nakasone KSK’92) will take the stage for the final time this week. Among those vying for her title are alumni:

Tasha Kauluwehiokalani Ah Quin-Soren  KSK’12
Hālau Ka Liko Pua O Kalaniākea
Kumu Hula Kapua Dalire-Moe KSK’90

Kiana Kaheanani Costa KSH’13
Hālau Hula ʻO Kahikilaulani 
Nāhōkūokalani Gaspang

For details on the event, visit the Merrie Monarch Festival website.

Watch it Live!

The Merrie Monarch Festival hula competition will air live on KFVE and stream live on the KFVE website on the following days:

6:00 p.m. – 11:30 p.m.
Miss Aloha Hula Competition

6:00 p.m. – Midnight
Hula Kahiko Competition

6:00 p.m. – 1:00 a.m.
Hula ‘Auana Competition and Awards

Spectrum customers, can tune in to K5 on channel 1022 or 22. Hawaiian Telcom customers can tune in to channels 1013 or 13. Dish can view the contest via the online stream.

Nā kāne of Kaleo O Laka I Ka Kikina O Ka Lā under the direction of KS alumnus and Performing Arts Kumu Kaleo Trinidad took first place in the 2018 Merrie Monarch Festival hula competition men’s kahiko category. Trinidad is among nine KS alumni whose hālau are participating in this year’s world-renown competition.

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Kaipuolono Article, Regions, East Hawai’i, Themes, Culture, Employee ‘Ohana, I Mua Kamehameha, Newsroom, Alumni, News Briefs

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