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KS 2021 Annual Report available online

Dec. 30, 2021

Contributed by Kyle Galdeira

The Kamehameha Schools 2021 Annual Report, “Makawalu,” is now available to view online! From navigating the pandemic and connecting communities to supporting island businesses and ‘ohana, the report has much to share.

The annual report also shows that:

  • KS provided 42,599 learner experiences through its campuses, preschools, community education, community investing and scholarships.
  • $438 million was invested in education including $191.9 million on K-12 learners, $39.4 million on preschools and $27.4 million on financial aid.
  • The KS endowment grew to a fair market value of $14.7 billion last fiscal year.

The report was produced by the Communications Group. Hard copies will be distributed in the near future.

annual report,makawalu

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