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Creating the kits was a kākou effort. Watch Kealaiwikuamoʻo and KS employee volunteers as they compile Kaulu Kits on one of five assembly days. Look closely and you’ll see KS CEO Jack Wong and his team helping with everything from bundling books to prepping pots for ʻa‘ali‘i seeds.

Kealaiwikuamoʻo crew creates high-touch kits to supplement high-tech learning

Oct. 18, 2021

Contributed by Nadine Lagaso

Today’s keiki spend much of their school time in front of a computer or tablet. And while online instruction is vital these days, there’s no substitute for hands-on, face-to-face learning.

With this in mind, the Kamehameha Schools Kealaiwikuamo‘o crew created the Kaulu Kit for kids – an extension of the division’s Kaulu learning portal on KS Digital. The free kits contain DIY cultural activities like hei (string figure games) that engage kuaʻana, mākua and tūtū in playing with little ones in the ‘ohana.

“When ‘ohana explore fun cultural activities together, soaking in learning embedded in the activities is just a starter. It also helps to strengthen ‘ohana and Hawaiian identity,” said Kealaiwikuamo‘o Director Kēhau Abad KSK’82.

“Those sentiments can be seen in the excited response a makua who shared online about receiving a Kaulu Kit. Kanani Alpis posted, ‘Got our kit today! Mahalo nui! My kids are excited and so am I. This is a great & educational way to bond with your keiki. Super fabulous.’

We created the Kaulu Kits to have tactile learning take front stage since there’s way too much online time for kids these days. But true to the digital part of Kaulu, the kit connects to online content, and the kit’s activities guide and the files that created the kit are bundled together online in the Waihona for more ‘ohana and kumu to enjoy.  

In just a month, Kealaiwikuamo‘o developed, designed, and distributed the 1,000 Kaulu Kits to interested ʻohana. A crucial part of the project involved dozens of KS employee volunteers who helped assemble the kits over a five-day period, including KS CEO Jack Wong and Hiʻialo VP Waiʻaleʻale Sarsona who assisted with everything from bundling books to prepping pots for ʻa‘ali‘i seeds.

“The first boxes went to families in time for fall break. In a month or two, we’ll schedule assembly days for the second thousand. We’d love to have kōkua from any volunteers.” All 2,000 boxes are already spoken for.

If you’d like to pour some of your aloha into the next Kaulu Kit, please sign up here to join in fun!

The KS Kealaiwikuamoʻo Division supports collaboration among more than 80 schools and organizations of Kanaeokana, operates Kamehameha Publishing, and leads KS’ Kaulu by KS Digital—all efforts focused on growing ‘ōiwi leaders and strengthening Hawaiian education of, by, and for the lāhui.

Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack bundle choke books for Kaulu Kits.

Hiʻialo Vice President Waiʻaleʻale Sarsona and Hiʻialo Senior Project Manager Tatiana Fox prep peat pots for planting a‘ali‘i seeds.

Network Engagement Solutions Engineer Maui Bartlett celebrates the completion of 1,000 Kaulu Kits that were mailed to families during fall break.

community education,kealaiwikuamoo,hands-on learning,culture-based education

Kaipuolono Article, Regions, Themes, Culture, Community, Newsroom, Campus Programs, Preschools, Community Education

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