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Ka No'ono'o Ho'omana Ka Hikina - Advent Devotional - Week 1

Dec. 3, 2019

Contributed by Nadine Lagaso

Kamehameha Schools has created a series of Hawaiian-focused devotionals for Advent, to honor the deep Christian faith of our founder Princess Pauahi. The devotionals were designed to be used by staffers, students and others to celebrate the coming of Christmas, so please feel free to share them.

He manaʻo o ke kahu
KS Maui Kahu Kalani Wong
Ka Hikina, the season of Advent, points to the coming of the Christ-child. This special arrival of Ke Akua in human form is a reminder for us to pause during every Christmas season and worship the birth of the Messiah.  Join us throughout each week for a Advent devotional written by nā kahu a me nā keiki kahu o Nā Kula ʻo Kamehameha.

Can you imagine being Mary – young and about to be married – when an ʻānela appeared to her and told her that she would become hāpai and be the makuahine of the long-awaited Messiah? It must have been a trying time for her and she was perplexed as she pondered her role in bringing this infant into the world. So she sought counsel from her cousin Elizabeth, who was also hāpai. 

Scripture tells us that at the moment Elizabeth heard Mary announcing her arrival at her home, the baby within Elizabeth’s womb jumped and kicked. And suddenly, Elizabeth was filled to overflowing with the Holy Spirit and confirmed the honor that Mary would have. In response, Mary broke out in worship by this hīmeni:
A laila, ʻī akula ʻo Maria, Ke hoʻonani aku nei kuʻu ʻuhane i ka Haku; Hauʻoli nō hoʻi koʻu ʻuhane i ke Akua i koʻu mea e ola ai:  No ka mea, ua nānā aloha mai ʻo ia i ka haʻahaʻa o kāna kauwā wahine. Eia hoʻi, ma nēia hope aku e ʻī ʻia mai au e nā hanauna a pau, He pōmaikaʻi. No ka mea, ʻo ka Mea mana, ua hana mai ia i nā mea nani noʻu. He hemolele hoʻi kona inoa. – Luka 1:46-49

My soul is ecstatic, overflowing with praises to God!  My spirit bursts with joy over my life-giving God! For he set his tender gaze upon me, his lowly servant girl. And from here on, everyone will know that I have been favored and blessed. The Mighty One has worked a mighty miracle for me; holy is his name! – Luke 1:46-49

She was no longer makaʻu of what was to come, but was filled with ke ohohia, an enthusiastic joy to be a servant of Ke Akua, called by the Almighty to do His will through her. How else would one celebrate this except in worship to the Holy One? When Ke Akua issues his kāhea to us, calling us to be his alakaʻi lawelawe, his servant leaders, how are you going to respond? Will you be makaʻu or ohohia – respond in fear or in faithful enthusiasm? May we find ways to be open to doing ka hana o Ke Akua.
He manaʻo o ka haumana
Keiki Kahu Marie Abihai
When we worship Ke Akua, we are giving Him the honor and the glory. But worshiping our Father is not the only way to give honor where honor is due. God has placed such a calling on our lives and has set us apart to do His mission and vision. As living vessels for Him, we must go out to reach people, touch lives, and bring His children into His Kingdom. We were made to be a blessing to others.


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