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Youth advocate and social worker Christian Moore will share tools and tips with parents on how to build resilience in their keiki.

Join us online for a presentation on building resiliency in your keiki

April 8, 2021

Contributed by Shaundor Chillingworth

Join youth advocate, author, and speaker Christian Moore for an online session on building resilience in students of all ages and learning types.

The session is open to all Kamehameha Schools Hawaiʻi ʻohana and will be held online via Zoom at 6 p.m. on Friday, April 23. We hope that you are able to join us and learn more from this presentation. 

Resilience is something we’re all born with – from the homeless person on the street to the Harvard business grad. Most of us – including many of our struggling students – just haven’t learned how to access what’s already inside of them.

In this presentation for adults, participants will learn about the vital skills of resilience found in WhyTry Founder Christian Moore’s book, “The Resilience Breakthrough: 27 Tools for Turning Adversity into Action.” This engaging presentation will empower parents, guardians, and caregivers with tools to help their child build resiliency in order to thrive not only in school, but in life.

Presentation will take place on:

Friday, April 23, 2021
6 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Link to join:

Download an ics file to add to your calendar.

About the presenter:

Christian Moore is an internationally-renowned speaker, licensed clinical social worker, and advocate for youth. He is the author of The Resilience Breakthrough: 27 Tools for Turning Adversity into Action. He founded the WhyTry Program, which has been implemented in over 25,000 organizations.

Coming from a blended family of 12 children, Christian spent most of his childhood years between Washington, D.C. and Baltimore. By the time Christian reached second grade, he was diagnosed with ADHD, conduct disorder, and severe learning disabilities.

Because of these setbacks, he often felt socially isolated in school. He spent time both as bully and victim; and often acted out to avoid answering the questions of teachers. Due to his poor grades and learning disabilities, he was informed that college was not a viable option.

But he never gave up. Christian found his passion in social work. In college, he developed what he called his “No F” game plan, enabling him to rise from a “troubled” special education student to a well-respected recipient of a master’s degree in social work. Christian was a commencement speaker in the School of Education at John Hopkins University and spoke at a White House convening for the Reach Higher Initiative.

Christian is a passionate speaker focused on helping people learn about the vital skills of resilience. Christian teaches that resilience is something we’re all born with. Most of us just haven’t learned how to access it. In his presentation, participants will learn about where resilience comes from how they can increase it.

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Kaipuolono Article, Hawaii Newsroom, KS Hawaii Home, Hawaii Elementary School, Hawaii Middle School, Hawaii High School, Newsroom, Campus Programs, Hawaii, Hawaii campus

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