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Students who are fully vaccinated can now update their electronic health records to earn exemption from daily wellness checks and contribute to keeping our kula safe.

How to Upload Student Vaccination Information

June 10, 2021

Contributed by Shaundor Chillingworth

We hope you and your ʻohana are enjoying the start of the summer and we send our mahalo to you for your flexibility and commitment to our kauhale as we returned to school safely this past school year. Much was done by all of us so that we could continue to provide a nurturing and engaging learning environment for our haumāna. Through it all, we supported each other to keep our keiki at the center of all we do.

The month of June has been declared a “month of action” by President Biden, to take the important step of getting vaccinated if you haven’t already done so. Local efforts like the #HIGotVaccinated campaign have been launched, offering Hawaiʻi residents incentives to kōkua with the state reaching a goal of 70% of the population vaccinated to rollback measures in place to mitigate the pandemic.

We are already planning for next fall, taking into consideration our community positive cases and vaccination rates. We need your kōkua to see where we are regarding vaccination rates, what we can continue to do, and how we can all move forward confidently to make our community stronger. Vaccination, while remaining a personal choice, is another layer of protection for our community and gives us the clearest path to return to normalcy as we reopen for the Fall. We encourage all students, ʻohana, faculty, and staff to become fully vaccinated as soon as possible. For ʻohana where keiki are not age-eligible to receive the vaccine, we are encouraging all members of their household to get vaccinated to further reduce the risk and spread of the virus.


One critical piece in our planning process for next school year is to determine how many of our students have or are in the process of completing their vaccinations and reaching fully vaccinated status (two weeks after your final dose). This is where we need your help.

Upon completing the 2nd dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, each student can now upload their vaccination card to the Mo'omō'ali Olakino Electronic Health Records portal. Mālama Ola and the COVID-19 Response Team have set-up an easy, secure way to collect this information to help us understand the number of vaccinated haumāna in our learning community. This information will guide our planning of the types and frequency of activities that can take place.

There are additional benefits of doing so:

  • No daily wellness checks -
    Vaccinated students will no longer need to complete daily wellness checks. Upon verification of vaccination status, students will receive a vaccination badge email, which can be screenshot, saved, or printed to be shown in place of the normal green happy face email each morning. 
  • No quarantine for close contacts - 
    Vaccinated students identified as close contact, whether at school or through other school activities, will not need to complete a 10-day quarantine, in alignment with Hawaiʻi and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidance.


As more and more of our kula become fully vaccinated, we are able to replace or modify some of the layered safety protocols currently in place, keeping health and safety as our priority and reducing the risk of spread of this virus. We will notify you as modifications are made, in alignment with the latest guidance from the CDC, and in compliance with any state or county mandates.  


In order to be fully vaccinated by the start of the school year on August 5, students will need to receive their second COVID-19 vaccination by July 22, which means July 1 is the latest date to start the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination process. Here are five key dates to keep in mind:

  • JUNE 19 - Our 2nd On-Campus Vaccination POD with Bay Clinic
  • JULY 1 - Deadline to start the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to be fully vaccinated by the start of school in August 
  • JULY 10 - Our 3rd On-Campus Vaccination POD with Bay Clinic
  • JULY 22 - Deadline to receive 2nd Pfizer vaccine dose to be fully vaccinated by the start of school in August 
  • AUGUST 5 - Back to School!


Last month, 132 haumāna participated in an on-campus vaccination clinic held in partnership with Bay Clinic. We’ll be hosting a 2nd clinic for them to receive their 2nd dose on Saturday, June 19, 2021 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the high school tent area adjacent to Keawe dining hall.

If you are interested in having your keiki participate and receive their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine, or if ʻohana members in the household also want to receive their Pfizer vaccine, please fill out a brief interest form. We will send everyone a confirmation email on June 17 with instructions and forms for completion. 


We will hold a 3rd clinic on July 10 for those participating for the first time on June 19 and for others who still need their first vaccine. Additional details will be shared in July.


There are additional opportunities to receive a COVID-19 vaccination in our communities if the campus POD dates don't meet your schedule. To see a list of available sites on our island, visit the County of Hawaiʻi's Coronavirus response portal. 

If there are any questions or additional information needed about these vaccination opportunities, please email

Mālama pono! 

The push is to have all students, employees, and ʻohana initiate their vaccination by July 1 to be fully vaccinated by the time we start the school year.

ks hawaii,covid-19,vaccination

Kaipuolono Article, Hawaii Newsroom, Hawaii Middle School, Hawaii High School, Newsroom, Campus Programs, Hawaii, Hawaii campus

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