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How do you say: Strive for excellence/for your best.
E kūlia i ka nu‘u.

Class of 2025 haumāna Justin Kubojiri speaks with a representative about their program.

Helping students make informed decisions for their next step beyond high school

June 28, 2024

Beyond college enrollment, Kamehameha Schools is committed to making sure haumāna complete their post-secondary plans successfully. So making sure they find the right fit for them and their ʻohana is critical. Opportunities like college fairs are valuable for students to make connections and gather information.

Our kula traditionally hosts the Spring Hawaii Association of College Admissions Counseling college fair, welcoming haumāna from throughout the East Hawaiʻi community to connect with dozens of representatives from colleges from throughout the U.S. All of our high school underclassmen participate in the fair, and there are follow-ups made with our counselors in their College, Career, and Lāhui Readiness classes to see what they learned and whether they found a program they may want to consider in the future. 

Sharing some moments captured from this past April on our KSH Facebook page. Mahalo to all of the college representatives who participate each year and we hope to welcome even more in the future to give haumāna more options for finding the right place for them.


Juniors take the time to connect with programs that are of interest to them.

ks hawaii,hawaii campus,kamehameha schools,imua kamehameha,college,post-secondary,post-secondary success,college fair,college admissions,hawaii association of college admissions counselling

Kaipuolono Article, Hawaii Newsroom, KS Hawaii Home, Hawaii High School, Newsroom, Hawaii, Hawaii campus

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